
LION THREAT: The hunt is on for...

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LION THREAT: The hunt is on for a mountain lion in the foothills near La Crescenta. . . . Within the past week, the creature has ventured uncomfortably close to humans and killed two dogs, including an 80-pound Akita (B3). Authorities tracking the big cat are warning residents to keep pets locked up at night and in the early morning.

YABBA-DABBA-YAWN: The 10th Annual “Most Boring Film of the Year Awards” named “The Flintstones” as comedy film flop of 1994. The Universal Pictures flick, partly filmed at Vasquez Rocks State Park in Santa Clarita, “shows how 32 writers can produce film hash,” said Alan Caruba, president of the New Jersey-based Boring Institute. . . . The awards are a spoof of the Academy Awards, but Universal Pictures publicity exec Alan Sutton didn’t find it very funny: “I think the whole thing is boring,” Sutton said.

WHIZ KID: At 49 years old, Linda Wachner is looking good. . . . No, that’s not Linda in the photo above. But the model is wearing a swimsuit manufactured by Authentic Fitness Corp., where Wachner is chief executive. With Wachner as skipper, industry analysts say, the company could soon become “the largest swimwear company in the United States.” See Valley Business, Page 10.


GOING DOWN? A Santa Clarita developer wants to take public transportation one step further: to your neighborhood. Northholme Partners wants the Santa Clarita City Council to approve a 750-foot-long escalator connecting the planned Porta Bella hilltop community to the Santa Clarita Metrolink station below. . . . But will gridlock-weary commuters line up to buy the homes? See Valley Business, Page 4.

JAIL CLOSURE: County cost-cutting measures finally closed the minimum-security wing of Peter J. Pitchess Honor Rancho on Monday (B1). The $7.3 million slashed from the Sheriff’s Department budget has prompted sheriff’s officials to release about 2,000 inmates since March 2.
