
HUNTINGTON BEACH : City Seeks to Move Site of Bunker Meeting

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The city will ask the state Historical Resources Commission to move next month’s meeting, where it is to discuss the World War II artillery bunker on the Bolsa Chica Mesa, to Huntington Beach.

The meeting is currently scheduled at Long Beach City Hall.

Gary Reinoehl, associate state archeologist, said the panel will be discussing the impact that a 3,300-home development will have on the bunker and other cultural properties.

Councilman David Sullivan said having the meeting here would give residents the opportunity to speak in favor of preserving the bunker.


The National Parks Service has declared the bunker, built about 50 years ago, eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.

The Koll Real Estate Group has county approval for its project on the mesa, and the California Coastal Commission has given them permission to demolish the bunker.

Lucy Dunn, Koll senior vice president, said the company plans to complete demolition of the structure this year.
