
Airport, Other Base Use Both Possible


A recent article in your paper included news of the formation of a group in South County known as Taxpayers for Responsible Planning, with Bill Kogerman as president.

He is quoted as stating that “a commercial airport at El Toro is definitely not the highest and best use for the property.” He mentions no potential alternative uses.

Does he forget that Measure A refers to only 2,000 acres of the current 4,700 acres in the base and that 2,700 acres will still be available for “alternative uses”? This is an area more than two miles in each direction, room for many other uses.


An international airport will be of great economic advantage to the entire county, providing thousands of jobs and connecting us directly for trade with the expanding Pacific Rim countries as well as with South America and even Europe.

John Wayne will soon be at its planned capacity. We must have a vision of our full potential and not build fences that would forever restrict our growth.


Costa Mesa
