
Even if NBA Approves Deal, Things Could Get a Little Tight


Even if the announcement comes Tuesday that players have approved the new collective bargaining agreement, the NBA will not be back in business next week because the owners’ vote is scheduled for six days after that, Sept. 18.

The reason for the delay is not known, but the new, rushed timetable could push restricted free agents and the teams pursuing them to the start of training camp, if not beyond. For example, if an offer sheet is extended Sept. 19, the soonest possible, the player’s current team will have until Oct. 4, two days before camp opens, to decide whether to match. Players who take four or five days to listen to proposals could easily be up in the air when official workouts begin.

The owners’ vote is tentatively set for New York, the same place the player ballots will be counted and announced Tuesday. Owners, who began the current lockout July 1, are expected to ratify the six-year deal by a comfortable margin.


“I can tell you that I’m planning to deliver the vote, and I’ve never had a problem before,” Commissioner David Stern said. “And I don’t expect one now, although it won’t be unanimous.”
