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A Diamond Bar city councilman said he plans to take legal action against the city after the council voted 3 to 0 at a special meeting Monday to censure him.

Councilman Clair W. Harmony said he has met with attorneys and “put a call out to the ACLU,” stating that the city has suppressed his civil liberties and inhibited him from completing his duties without just cause.

The council voted to censure Harmony and stripped him of his committee responsibilities after learning that the councilman sent letters on city stationery to several private businesses involved in City On-Line, a computer project in Diamond Bar. In the letters, Harmony said he was requesting information about contributions to the Diamond Bar Caucus, a local political action committee.


But the letters’ language and the unauthorized use of city stationery gave the false impression that the city is conducting an official investigation into funds missing from the on-line project, the council said.

The city is not conducting an investigation, and there is no evidence that any project funds are missing, said Mayor Phyllis Papen. . . .
