
O.C. Judges Say Courts Could Be Out of Order : Judges Make Appeal

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Facing funding cutbacks, Orange County judges say they will run out of money by April 15, forcing the courts to close for three months next year. Judges petitioned Thursday for $31.7 million in emergency funding.

Courts predict this fallout from a shutdown:

* 25,000 civil matters would not be accepted for filing

* 6,000 felonies would not be accepted for filing

* 6,000 child-support cases would not be heard

* 3,000 drunk drivers would not be prosecuted

* More than 2,800 juvenile cases would not be processed or heard

Funding Requests

Here’s how the $31.7 million in emergency funding requested by the courts breaks down:

Court: Amount

Superior: $13.9


Central: $4.8

Harbor: $2.9

North: $4.1

South: $3.4

West: $2.6

Source: Individual courts
