
U.S. to Restore Funds for Summer Jobs Program


Much to the relief of civic leaders, federal officials announced Friday that they will restore $17.8 million in funding to provide 13,000 summer and 2,000 year-round jobs for low-income teenagers in Los Angeles.

Federal budget cuts had threatened to eliminate the jobs program this year--idling thousands of young people and putting an end to hundreds of community cleanup and day-care programs staffed by teenagers.

But at the behest of Mayor Richard Riordan and other officials, federal lawmakers revived the program.


Although the federal government will provide 75% of what the city received last year, local officials believe they can still offer the same number of jobs by cutting administrative costs, shortening the length of the program and pressing private firms to contribute.

The $870-million summer youth employment program--was scuttled by Congress last year during budget battles.
