
Bands Taken for a Ride by Disney


Reading Dana Parsons’ column on April 10, I was not surprised that Disneyland will no longer allow school band members who perform at Disneyland to remain in the park without paying $25. How else would Walt Disney Co. Chairman Michael D. Eisner receive his multimillion-dollar salary and bonuses?

All that would be required is for Eisner to forgo $100,000 to $150,000 in his more than ample remuneration. When VIPs visit the park, gratis, I’m sure Eisner is in the foreground in all pictures. As stated in the column, parents undoubtedly come to see their youngsters, and food and souvenirs are purchased.

Mr. Brocato, ask Eisner to allow the bands to play and remain in Disneyland, free. Walt Disney and Tommy Walker would be appalled by the greed shown in recent years. Escalating admission prices, and now Disneyland expects bands to perform free, without any reward.



