
In Hindsight: After being vilified by writer...

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In Hindsight: After being vilified by writer Dominick Dunne in the pages of Vanity Fair, the Brothers Menendez may be getting a more sympathetic audience. . . . ABC News’ Barbara Walters, known for her celebrity interviews, is said to be taping the pair, who were convicted of murdering their wealthy parents. The “20/20” piece is to air June 28, just three days before the brothers are due to be sentenced.

Finding Faith: Outside of Armenia, Southern California is home to the biggest concentration of people of Armenian descent in the world . . . and the lion’s share of them live in Glendale. Which is why on Thursday, Aram I, in photo, above, the spiritual leader of a wing of the Armenian Church, made Glendale the first stop on a three-week state tour (B4).

Shared Pain: People concerned about the fires that have destroyed or damaged dozens of black churches can hear a talk on the subject tonight. A Woodland Hills synagogue has asked the NAACP’s Valley president to speak about the fires at 8 o’clock services. . . . “This is not just a regional issue,” said Rabbi Steven Jacobs of Kol Tikvah Temple. His invitation to the Rev. Zedar Broadous coincided with appeals by the Southern California Board of Rabbis and black leaders for greater moral diligence and emergency relief funds.
