
More Takes on Airport Debate


The Oct. 3 article concerning the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting [reported] “angry and vociferous South County residents fighting the proposed airport at the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station.”

As I carefully read the article, specifically the quoted vituperative personal attacks against the supervisors, I was reminded of the Sonny and Cher line, with a wee bit of editorial license, “and the bleat goes on.” The guy with the circular saw at least showed some imagination.

But comments like “you are not our supervisors” and “people who are not impacted are going to make a decision on people who are impacted,” are dumb.


In reality, all citizens of Orange County and, in fact, Southern California, the state of California and the United States will be impacted favorably by the conversion of a major 50-year-old military air base into a major international airport. That simply is a realistic fact.

The majority of citizens of Orange County have now twice endorsed the conversion of El Toro to an international airport. Many people living in South County recognize the progressive evolutionary process of our lives, the need for major air transportation facilities and the resultant positive job growth that will occur.

A handful of dissidents who get a lot of media attention continue to argue against the proposed conversion for their own personal, selfish self-interest. This is a democratic process and our democracy is governed by majority rule. I ask the supervisors to vote for what’s best for all the citizens of Orange County and recognize their responsibility to the region, the state, and, yes, the nation. The future needs for an air transportation network require a “yes” vote today.


Newport Beach

* What a terrific grass-roots response to the Board of Supervisors meeting Oct. 2 at Irvine City Hall. Most impressive was the great talent of citizens who took time to read the environmental impact report on the proposed airport.

There were Ph.Ds in a multitude of sciences, experts from the banking, finance and economic fields, as well as former El Toro Marine Corps pilots and career pilots from commercial airlines, all giving their professional testimony and advice to the Board of Supervisors. I can only hope the board was truly listening to these experts with an open mind, as a great opportunity is at their hand.

Unlike the poor advice and decisions that led the board, perhaps too quickly, to file for bankruptcy, there now exists clear and present evidence that this EIR is incredibly flawed. Unlike the extreme pressures the board felt prior to filing for bankruptcy, no such pressure exists to move so quickly to decide forever that Orange County will be best served by converting El Toro to a commercial airport. Other options must be studied in a less intense, more creative environment. The property is not going to evaporate and the federal government is not going to act without local approval.


In spite of the professional testimony given, however, the board seems to be dancing to the same old Orange County song. In previous times, Orange County politicians have demonstrated a tendency of dancing too closely with land developers. Alas, it appears that the same old music is still playing.



* Apparently people from South County feel the Orange County supervisors are not listening to their pleas of not wanting El Toro to become a commercial Airport.

Hopefully, the supervisors are listening, but not just to residents of South County. Our elected officials represent the entire county, and as such must make a decision based on what the best use of that land is for everyone, not just one area.

Hopefully, the supervisors are examining the facts and seeing that the air traffic demands for Orange County cannot be met by John Wayne Airport. The only viable site for a much needed new airport is El Toro. If we lose that opportunity, Orange County will certainly suffer economically and our children will pay the price. Worst of all, should South County have its way and the land be used for anything else other than an airport, there is no second chance for us. El Toro is the only county land able to support a commercial airport large enough to allow for the expected growth in Orange County.



* The photo of self-appointed “Emperor” George Argyros in Life and Style on Sept. 30 was arch in the extreme, especially when coupled with recent El Toro reuse announcements. Who else but the emperor gets the citizens (that’s us, folks) to build him a multibillion-dollar, colossally over-budget, hugely underutilized airport, with the express plan to ban us, reserving its use exclusively for himself and his cronies with the corporate jets?

The rest of us Orange Countians can just rot in our (non-Argyros-type) homes, underneath the 24-hour-a-day cacophony that the residents of Newport Beach have managed to avoid all these years thanks to their outlandish noise and air traffic restrictions at the very dearly bought John Wayne Airport. We can be assured there will be no such special dispensation given any airport at El Toro.



