
Loving CupSome people can’t get that loving...


Loving Cup

Some people can’t get that loving feeling until they down their morning cup of coffee. Laguna Beach artist Barbara Schuppe understands this and so calls her heart-painted coffee mugs Cup o’ Love. Just the way to soothe the caffeine-needy beast of the one you love.

Available for $24 to $26 at New Stone Age on 3rd Street in Los Angeles and Icaan Gallery on Manhattan Beach Boulevard in Manhattan Beach. Also comes in black and gold and jumbo latte size.

Baby Oxen

Babies born in the Year of the Ox deserve not just a silver spoon but a silver ox spoon. Palos Verdes artist Dick Sakahara hand-forges sterling silver in all of the symbols of the Asian zodiac. Each spoon comes with a booklet describing the characteristics of the year depicted.


Available for $100 at Freehand on 3rd Street in Los Angeles.


New in stores this month: “Polenta” by Sonoma County author and radio host Michele Anna Jordan ($15). It’s the first cookbook from Broadway Books, an imprint of Bantam Doubleday Dell and, yes, each of its 100 recipes do contain polenta.
