
Where the Oil Spill Risks Really Lie


It is a pity we will never see such a structure (“A Spar Is Born,” Feb. 17) helping to pay royalties to

the state of California as well as supporting quality jobs.

This is not due to the fact that the oil and gas does not exist in offshore California tideland properties. Nor is it due to a lack of engineering or technical expertise existing currently in California.

No, it is due to offshore oil production and drilling being opposed by newspapers like The Times, politicized public agencies, poorly informed politicians, movie stars and the public at large.


The sad result of this prevention of production and drilling is a shortage of funds for education for our youth.

The other result is not a lowered chance of oil spills, but an increase in this possibility. The largest risk of a spill is not in the drilling or production, but in the transportation phase of the oil production process.


Hacienda Heights
