
Deputy D.A. Under Probe of Office Gambling Resigns


An Orange County deputy district attorney under investigation for alleged illegal office gambling has resigned, his supervisor said Wednesday.

Deputy Dist. Atty. Daryl Dworakowski submitted his resignation Friday as his former colleagues continued an internal probe into allegations that Dworakowski took part in a gambling ring run out of the county public defender’s office, officials said.

Maurice L. Evans, chief assistant district attorney, declined to comment on Dworakowski’s resignation, citing personnel confidentiality.


Dworakowski could not be reached.

An investigation at the public defender’s office--where Dworakowski worked as a deputy public defender until last year--was begun after another former employee, Teri Ortal, alleged that staff members had links to bookmakers and were processing $1,000 bets.

Dworakowski’s attorney, Salvatore Ciulla, said his client resigned because he felt the scandal had tainted “a very promising career” with the district attorney’s office.

“This is very difficult for him, and I feel very badly for him, as many people [at the district attorney’s office] do,” Ciulla said. “Over the next week he’ll be looking at a new career direction.”

Ciulla said he doubted Dworakowski would face any criminal charges as the investigation moves forward.

Ortal, 47, said she was fired in 1996 from her investigator post in the public defender’s office after reporting that fellow employees used county equipment to further their gambling operation.

In all, she said, 20 employees made bets of $5 to $1,000 with two investigators, who then phoned, faxed or delivered the bets to bookmakers.


An attorney for John Depko, one of the employees Ortal said gathered bets, has dismissed the claims as exaggerated and ridiculous--and pointed out that betting pools exist in offices throughout the county, including the district attorney’s office.

Public Defender Carl Holmes has described Ortal as a disgruntled former employee whose allegations have created an overblown situation. Holmes has pledged, however, to thoroughly investigate the claims.
