
Bolsa Chica Group Names Coordinator

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The Amigos de Bolsa Chica has picked a coordinator from a group of 25 applicants, Amigos President Tom Livengood announced.

The group’s longtime administrator, Adrianne Morrison, was fired April 30 in what Livengood said was a cost-cutting move vital to the group’s survival.

Marilyn Bohle will start Monday in a new part-time position as Amigos coordinator, managing the organization’s office and its 100 volunteers.


“She’s a very active lady and very dedicated to the community,” Livengood said.

Livengood said the Amigos’ board was impressed with Bohle’s experience in raising money and handling volunteers with the Huntington Harbour Philharmonic Committee, the American Cancer Society, the Huntington Youth Shelter Guild and the nascent Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center.

“That’s how I got interested in the Bolsa Chica wetlands,” she said. “I’m an avid waterfowl watcher.”
