
Surf and Youth Music to Buoy Anaheim Jet Jam


“Extreme” water sports will be the attraction as Jet Jam ’97 roars ahead on the flooded riverbed next to the Pond of Anaheim.

Still, the three-day weekend event’s main musical attractions--playing on a stage in the Pond’s parking lot, will be mostly mellow, although some extreme moments are likely Saturday and Sunday.

Friday’s main-stage lineup shapes up as an easygoing one: Willie Nelson, whose hair should be turning orange again given how often he plays O.C., headlines at 6:45 p.m. When Dave Mason plays at 5, he will probably traffic in mellow-ish hits from his mid-’70s commercial peak. Connoisseurs will be hoping for some glorious, folk- and R&B-influenced; rocking nuggets from his fine, earlier work with Traffic and as a solo artist on “Alone Together.” Sunchild, the Orange County band that looks back to a harmony-and-guitar jam sound akin to some of Mason’s early stuff, opens at 3 p.m.


As an inventor of “extreme guitar,” Dick Dale has it in him to zoom faster than some of the racers on the watercourse. He’s the not-to-miss highlight of Saturday’s lineup, playing at 5 p.m. Surf guitar enthusiasts have two other solid attractions in the Torquays, playing at 1 p.m., and the Surfaris at 3. Mike Love and Bruce Johnston headline at 6:45, moonlighting from the Beach Boys with the Kokomo Clubhouse Band, which includes Dean Torrance of Jan & Dean.

Youth will be served on Sunday, as O.C. reggae-popsters Common Sense play at 1 p.m. Keanu Reeves and some other guys put on the Dogstar at 3; KROQ’s latest ska-punk darling, Buck-O-Nine, performs at 5, and Reverend Horton Heat, the Texas trio that plays rockabilly in a punk-injected, extremist way, caps the bill at 7 p.m.


Concert Lineup

(All times p.m.)


3 Sunchild

5 Dave Mason

6:45 Willie Nelson



1 Torquays

3 Surfaris

5 Dick Dale

6 Kokomo Clubhouse Band



1 Common Sense

3 Dogstar

5 Buck-O-Nine

7 Reverend Horton Heat
