
Donors, Groups Making Spirits Bright


Do-gooders seem to come out en masse during the holiday season, and apparently, there’s no shortage in Orange County.

Most of the generous folks remained anonymous as they contributed to numerous efforts countywide aimed at spreading holiday cheer to the needy. They contributed to the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program, in which donors took names of underprivileged kids off trees posted in Orange County stores and restaurants and bought gifts for the children. Similar programs run by churches, synagogues and nonprofit groups also got help from scores of unnamed donors.

The recipients of the charities already have started getting the presents, parties, food and clothes.


Monday, actress and “Amistad” producer Debbie Allen, her husband, former Laker superstar Norm Nixon, and their children entertained 70 abused and neglected children at their Laguna Beach restaurant, Odessa. The family also helped Santa provide gifts, including video games and Beanie Babies, for the kids.

In addition, Allen read “A Visit From St. Nicholas” (“ ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas”) to the children, who were from ChildHelp USA, a Costa Mesa-based organization that helps abused children.

But Santa was the main attraction. “Santa came down and the kids went ballistic,” said Frank Groff, a spokesman for the restaurant.

Similar scenes can be found all over the county this time of year.

Also Monday, the Fullerton-based Hospital Disaster Support Communications System, an amateur radio operators organization, gave children in the pediatric unit at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center a special gift: The youngsters were connected to Santa via ham radio.

“We have many patients, especially the younger ones, who think that because they are not at home, Santa won’t remember them during Christmas,” said Carol Batezel, a hospital spokeswoman.

Children weren’t the only ones who received visits from Santa. St. Nick recently delivered hot lunches to the Lakeview Senior Center in Irvine.


In Santa Ana, the Recreation and Community Services Agency hosted a holiday party for 1,000 children and their families last week.

Businesses also hosted parties countywide. Xerox Corp. in Santa Ana was among them, hosting 45 underprivileged elementary students. The company sent letters from the children to Santa, including one reading: “This is the first Christmas that I’m going to have some presents. I am very happy.”

High school, college and university students also got in on the act. Hundreds of students countywide delivered gifts, food and clothes to the needy.

Police officers and firefighters countywide also gathered gifts and distributed them to poor families. For example, Buena Park police will escort Santa in a black-and-white cruiser today, delivering 700 presents and 1,500 pounds of food to needy families.
