
Laguna Hills Issue Becomes Bench-Clearing Brawl


Congratulations to [Laguna Hills Mayor] Craig Scott for his letter concerning the Laguna Hills football coach, Steve Bresnahan. The coach and his staff did not do their job and should be accountable for their actions.

There are lots of problems with high school athletics and the attitudes of coaches is at the top of the list. This issue is a “slow burn” with many parents, and Mayor Scott has done a service to all in the high school community by asking them to take a hard look at how coaches are setting their own standards and doing their jobs.

In this case, the Laguna Hills football coach and staff did not do their jobs and did not coach the entire team.



Dove Canyon


As a former Laguna Hills High student and a captain of its first Southern Section championship team in 1991, I was saddened to see what should have been a triumphant moment for the high school and the city ruined by the mayor.

During the championship game in 1991, very few, if any, reserves entered the game because it was extremely close. However, it was a victory for the entire team--the starters and the reserves. Triumph does not have to be “less sweet when a team is divided between those who played and those who did not” as Scott suggests. Our victory was, for the entire team, a rare moment of unadulterated joy.

Steve Bresnahan and his coaching staff are everything that is right with high school sports.


Newport Coast


After reading the copy of [Craig Scott’s] letter, written on city stationery to The Times, I must submit I am outraged that you would use your position as an elected official to help express your frustrations as a parent, and to use that office to leverage your complaint.

This thinly veiled attempt to crusade for underplayed athletes in high school sports rather than focus on the injured ego of daddy, whose son didn’t get any playing time in “the big game” is easily spotted by even the most casual observer.

You have done irrevocable damage to Laguna Hills High and the community of Laguna Hills with this immature outburst. Maybe next time something frustrates me, I’ll give you a call to see if I can borrow some city stationery and your office so I can fire off a letter to the local newspaper.



Laguna Hills


Mayor Scott of Laguna Hills was right in what he said and right to say it. It is irrelevant if he said it on city stationery, the back of an envelope or a napkin. High school football is supposed to be part of the educational process. Too often this seems to be forgotten by coaches, administrators, parents and fans. High school sports are also supposed to be conducted fairly and in good faith and for the benefit of all of the players, not just a select few.


