
Titans Can’t Overcome Blahs, Wisconsin Green Bay Defense


It might have been a case of the post-Christmas basketball blahs for Cal State Fullerton.

But it also was a matter of Wisconsin Green Bay continuing its long-standing effectiveness in Brown County Arena Saturday night with a 70-60 victory over the Titans.

“They’ve certainly been successful in this building,” Fullerton Coach Bob Hawking said of the Phoenix.

So successful that Green Bay logged its 52nd victory in its last 60 home games over five seasons. This one was fashioned--like many of the others--with strong defensive play and solid free-throw shooting.


The Phoenix (6-4) held the Titans (5-4) to their second lowest point total of the season, and kept them winless in four road games. Each team had 20 field goals, including six three-pointers, but Green Bay made 24 of 30 free throws. Fullerton only took 21 free throws, making 14.

“I thought we came out sluggish,” Titan guard Chris Dade said. “We all went home for the Christmas holidays, ate a lot and had only one day of practice in the last week. That probably showed.”

Hawking also said the layoff might have been a factor, but he had no second thoughts about giving his team the time off.

“We wanted them to be able spend some time at home with their families for the holiday,” Hawking said. “It gave them some time to recharge their batteries. It’s a long season, and I think it will help in the long run, even if it didn’t tonight.”

Dade was the only Fullerton player to reach double figures in scoring with 15 points, and Green Bay Coach Mike Heideman thought his team’s defense was a big factor.

“Our defense enabled us to control the tempo,” he said. “We watched two of their games on film, and we knew we couldn’t let them get into a transition game. That’s where they’re strong.”


The Titans led early, 19-15, but Green Bay scored 12 consecutive points and was on top at halftime, 35-27. The Phoenix also had another run in the second half, outscoring Fullerton, 15-4. Green Bay led by 19 points with 7 minutes 30 seconds left and by 15 with slightly more than two minutes remaining before Fullerton cut the deficit at the end.

“It was a game of runs, like most of them are,” Hawking said. “They capitalized on theirs, and we couldn’t seem to sustain ours. But their defense took us out of the things we like to do. They defended very well. You have give them credit for that.

“We have to get an inside and an outside attack, and we didn’t have that. You have to have that to be competitive on this level.”

Hawking thought his team had some stretches of good play, but the Titans managed a total of only 19 points from its starters at the three front-line positions.

Sophomore Ike Harmon picked up his third foul early in the second half and was limited to six points, tying his season low. Harmon had scored in double figures for four consecutive games and was averaging 19 in the last three. Mark Richardson had seven points, and Craig Whitehead six. Green Bay had only one player in double figures, and that 11-point effort came from reserve forward Pete Wade, who was five of five from the field.

“They weren’t that much bigger than us inside, but they played more effectively inside,” Hawking said.


Dade said he was surprised that Green Bay showed as much quickness. “I knew they were physical, but I thought they’d be slower than they were,” Dade said. “They were ready for us, and I guess we weren’t ready for them.”

Fullerton concludes its two-game Midwestern trip Tuesday night at Loyola of Chicago.
