
Teen Mothers Killing Newborns


What a sobering and articulate commentary by Al Howard from His Nesting Place home for unwed mothers in Long Beach (“We All Must Answer for Why Teenagers Kill Their Babies,” July 4). In a politically correct time, we are often slow to really look in the mirror and see what our selfish ambitions have wrought.

Because we wanted “free love,” this generation now faces AIDS; because we wanted to pursue our own careers with no restrictions, this generation has grown up as latchkey kids; because we didn’t want to be bound by the archaic bonds of marriage, this generation has grown up in broken homes; and because we didn’t want to face the responsibilities of sexuality, this generation is now being aborted by the millions. It’s little wonder young people today see no problem with dumping “inconvenient” newborns in the closest trash can. Philosophically, we already did it with them.



What a shame that the seemingly selfless help offered by Howard comes with a price tag: the acceptance of his religious philosophy and his political agenda. He is wrong to exploit the misfortunes of confused, disoriented and frightened teenagers as a vehicle to pitch his platform against alternatives such as planned parenthood and abortion. If we cannot deal with these problems outside of our own agendas, everyone’s own political view will remain paramount over the real problems.



Sherman Oaks
