
Our Children’s Safety Is Paramount


Megan’s Law went into effect July 1. It makes public a list of the names and addresses of high-risk sex offenders. Just days after a list was made public in Southern California, an arsonist destroyed a van owned by a convicted sex offender in Covina. Megan’s Law was named for a 7-year-old girl who was killed by a convicted sex offender living across the street from her home in New Jersey. The law has been praised as a way for parents to obtain information to safeguard their children. Civil rights advocates say it encourages retaliation against released offenders. DEBORAH BELGUM talked with parents and law enforcement about the issue.


Mother of a 5-year-old, Long Beach

We should not jeopardize the safety of our children.

I feel sex offenders should not be allowed out of prison. I don’t feel there is any way to rehabilitate them [child molesters]. I think they should get the death penalty.

I wouldn’t want a child molester in my neighborhood. If I found out there was a child molester in my neighborhood, I would be more careful with my daughter and get him moved. I don’t know if I would go to the extent of bombing his car, which has happened.



Father of four, Long Beach

The list [of child molesters] should exist and that the public should know about it and look at it if they want. You are more at ease knowing exactly who lives around you. But I don’t think you should go around accusing people of things they haven’t done yet.

If there were a child molester in my neighborhood, I would be more careful with my children, which is what parents are supposed to be doing--not go after the released offenders if they haven’t done anything.


Father of five, Lennox

The list is a good idea. You can’t trust anyone. These criminals do their time and say one thing and then once they come out, it is something else. They’re sick. I feel sorry for them. I’m not here to judge anybody. Some of these people have had a hard life and maybe a rough childhood.

I would like to know if any murderers or rapists are living in my area. If something were to happen to one of my kids, I would go crazy. I would take the law into my own hands.

If I found out there was a child molester in my neighborhood, I would do what most parents do now, bring their children to and from school and watch them carefully.

It’s hard for these people (molesters). They did their time. But people don’t want them in their neighborhood. You don’t know what they are capable of or what they are going to do again.



Assistant chief of the state Department of Justice Bureau of Criminal Information and Analysis

If you learn that there is a child molester in your neighborhood, stay within the confines of the law.

Common sense dictates that you not leave your child alone with that individual. You can still be cordial but certain safeguards should be followed. Make sure your children understand that no one should touch them in parts covered by their bathing suit and that they should feel comfortable talking to you about the most personal situations.
