
Recall Papers Filed Against Hernandez


A group of residents who want to push Councilman Mike Hernandez out of office Thursday filed intent to recall papers with the city clerk.

The Committee to Recall Mike Hernandez has 21 days to draft a petition and get it approved by the city clerk, said Joseph Giles, assistant chief of the elections division.

Critics of Hernandez, who say his admitted cocaine addiction makes him unfit for office, can legally start collecting signatures Oct. 29. They need the support of 6,400 voters in the 1st District to put the recall before voters.


“I feel confident we will be successful,” Rudy Tenorio de Cordova said. “By filing today, we’re sending a message that we’re serious about recalling him. Now the constituents in his district will have the sovereignty to decide whether Mr. Hernandez will be their representative.”

Hernandez will publish a rebuttal to the recall papers in the next two weeks, said spokesman Tony Perez. His rebuttal must be circulated with the recall petition.
