
Health Fair Focuses on Cancer Detection


Several hundred people are expected to turn out for the first “Korean American Health Fair,” which will focus on the importance of early cancer detection, organizers said Wednesday.

The health fair, scheduled for Saturday at Ardmore Park Gymnasium in Koreatown, will offer free screenings for skin, head and neck cancer. Colon and prostate cancer screenings will be available for $25. In addition, certificates will be handed out to those who want a free mammogram at the Cancer Detection Center.

“There is a great lack of knowledge about cancer in the Asian community, especially in the Korean community,” said Marvin Feldman of the Cancer Detection Center. “The fact that many Koreans are newly arrived here and that there is a language barrier contributes to the problem.”


More than 15 Korean American doctors and 30 Korean-speaking volunteers will be on hand to assist at the gymnasium, 3250 San Marino St. The fair is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
