
City Decides to Limit Parking on Weekdays Near El Dorado High


Nonresident parking will be prohibited on weekdays in certain neighborhoods south of El Dorado High School.

A permit parking program was approved by the City Council this week for Tahoe Drive, Tahoe Avenue, Shasta Way, Crowley Way, Shaver Way, Havasu Drive and Havasu Place. The council agreed to prohibit parking between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. on school days and establish permit parking for residents.

Neighbors had complained that students leave litter, block corners and driveways with their vehicles, hang out in front of homes and intimidate homeowners.


Some homeowners said they opposed permit parking, calling it an inconvenience for them and their guests.

But Councilwoman Carol Downey said measures were needed to alleviate parking woes and any conduct problems.
