
California Schools’ Report Card

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In California, 4.1 million public school students in grades 2 through 11 took the Stanford 9 standardized tests this year. All of them were tested in reading, writing and math. Students through grade 8 also took a spelling test and students in higher grades took exams in social studies and science.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. July 24, 1998 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Friday July 24, 1998 Home Edition Metro Part B Page 3 Metro Desk 2 inches; 53 words Type of Material: Correction
Test scores--In Thursday’s chart of Los Angeles County school test scores, some of the columns for high school scores were mislabeled. Reading from left to right, the correct columns should be scores for tests of Reading, Mathematics, Language, Science, Social Science and the percentage of students taking the reading test who were classified as having limited English skills.

On Tuesday, the state Department of Education released scores for each grade of each of California’s 8,000 public schools. Here are scores, as reported by the state, for each school in Los Angeles County--the results for fourth, eighth and tenth grades--with the exception of the Los Angeles Unified School District, whose scores The Times published on July 15.

Readers who want to know how a school is doing can use these scores as a gauge. But keep in mind that these are results for individual grades only--not the entire school. Scores vary some from grade to grade, even at the same school.


To find your school’s scores:

* Look first for the grade level: “Grade 4” for elementary school, “Grade 8” for middle school or “Grade 10” for high school.

* Then search down the column to find your school. Schools are listed in alphabetical order by grade.

* The scores appear to the right of your school’s name. The columns report testing data for the various subjects. Use the guide at the top of each column of numbers to determine which category the score is in.


* For each test, the chart shows the percentile rank achieved by students in each school.

* The chart also has a category labeled % LEP. That shows the percentage of the students taking the reading test at the school who were classified as “limited English proficient.” Schools with a higher percentage of such students will tend to have lower scores in part because these students may have had difficulty understanding the questions, which were all in English.

Note: * (an asterisk) means the number of students tested was 10 or fewer.


Even among experts, there is no one view on what a percentile rank tells about school performance. But a 50 means that, taken together, the school’s students were right at the national average when measured against a sample of their peers across the country--even though some students at the school may be doing quite well and others poorly.

A percentile rank of 25 or less suggests that many of the students are doing poorly when measured against the national sample. A rank of 75 or above shows that a high percentage of students are doing well. Some schools’ scores appear abnormally high, which may be because an unusually small number of children took the test.


Comparing the individual scores sent to your home with those of the school will help you gauge where your child ranks against classmates.


Some schools’ scores may not be all they seem. Some schools and school districts encouraged parents to sign waiver forms enabling their children to skip the test -- particularly students with limited English skills. The number not taking the test varies from school to school. If a lot of students who would be expected to score low skipped the test, a school’s scores would be skewed upward.


Contributing to The Times’ schools score coverage:

* Contributing Editors: David Lauter, Paul Lieberman

* News Editors: Gary Metzker, Steve Mitchell

* Technical Assistance: Victor I. Pulver, Doug Smith, Richard O’Reilly, Sandra Poindexter




Name Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP Tested Statewide 40 39 44 36 24


Los Angeles County


Name Read Math Lang. Spell %LEP Tested County 31 34 37 30 37


ABC Unified


Name Read Math District 44 47 Aloha Elementary 24 26 Bragg Elementary 67 72 Burbank Elementary 21 21 Carver Elementary 50 61 Cerritos Elementary 64 80 Elliott Elementary 34 29 Furgeson Elementary 13 12 Gonsalves Elementary 72 75 Hawaiian Elementary 13 20 Juarez Elementary 29 35 Kennedy Elementary 54 56 Leal Elementary 74 79 Melbourne Elementary 20 18 Niemes Elementary 31 35 Nixon Elementary 67 61 Palms Elementary 34 34 Stowers Elementary 58 74 Willow Elementary 23 24 Wittmann Elementary 79 80

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 50 48 29 Aloha Elementary 29 25 20 Bragg Elementary 74 74 9 Burbank Elementary 30 23 47 Carver Elementary 54 62 23 Cerritos Elementary 73 76 11 Elliott Elementary 41 43 30 Furgeson Elementary 19 11 66 Gonsalves Elementary 84 80 8 Hawaiian Elementary 21 9 65 Juarez Elementary 47 25 42 Kennedy Elementary 52 58 17 Leal Elementary 78 82 15 Melbourne Elementary 23 15 42 Niemes Elementary 39 28 47 Nixon Elementary 63 75 9 Palms Elementary 41 38 11 Stowers Elementary 66 74 30 Willow Elementary 26 21 45 Wittmann Elementary 80 89 12


Acton-Agua Dulce Unified


Name Read Math District 56 54 Acton Elementary 53 52 Agua Dulce Elementary 65 60

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 58 45 2 Acton Elementary 55 42 2 Agua Dulce Elementary 65 53 0


Alhambra City Elementary


Name Read Math District 41 46 Baldwin Elementary/Middle 36 43 Brightwood Elementary 58 54 Emery Park Elementary 37 37 Fremont Elementary 37 48 Garfield Elementary 39 42 Granada Elementary 31 36 Marguerita Elementary 41 44 Monterey Highlands Elem 55 58 Northrup Elementary/Middle 28 32 Park Elementary 35 39 Ramona Elementary 43 46 Repetto Elementary 49 52 Ynez Elementary/Middle 49 56


Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 50 49 44 Baldwin Elementary/Middle 46 50 60 Brightwood Elementary 56 65 35 Emery Park Elementary 46 43 32 Fremont Elementary 47 43 44 Garfield Elementary 53 46 0 Granada Elementary 39 34 21 Marguerita Elementary 47 45 46 Monterey Highlands Elem. 60 64 33 Northrup Elementary/Middle 41 29 61 Park Elementary 43 47 38 Ramona Elementary 53 43 62 Repetto Elementary 57 63 51 Ynez Elementary/Middle 58 58 60


Arcadia Unified


Name Read Math District 68 67 Baldwin Stocker Elementary 77 73 Camino Grove Elementary 65 55 Highland Oaks Elementary 77 77 Holly Avenue Elementary 61 61 Hugo Reid Elementary 62 66 Longley Way Elementary 68 73 Rancho High * *

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 76 74 18 Baldwin Stocker Elem. 82 82 26 Camino Grove Elementary 72 71 14 Highland Oaks Elementary 83 78 14 Holly Avenue Elementary 73 70 23 Hugo Reid Elementary 72 66 19 Longley Way Elementary 76 79 12 Rancho High * * 0


Azusa Unified


Name Read Math District 21 26 Dalton Elementary 23 23 Ellington Elementary 25 30 Gladstone Street Elem. 23 26 Hodge Elementary 27 31 Lee Elementary 19 18 Magnolia Elementary 29 37 Mountain View Elementary 16 25 Murray Elementary 11 22 Paramount Elementary 17 18 Powell Elementary 24 40 Valleydale Elementary 30 33

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 26 19 39 Dalton Elementary 28 24 36 Ellington Elementary 29 21 27 Gladstone Street Elem. 24 26 40 Hodge Elementary 35 23 29 Lee Elementary 19 14 52 Magnolia Elementary 33 27 19 Mountain View Elementary 23 15 35 Murray Elementary 19 9 61 Paramount Elementary 23 16 36 Powell Elementary 35 30 27 Valleydale Elementary 26 21 47


Baldwin Park Unified


Name Read Math District 21 23 Bursch Elementary 21 26 Central Elementary 22 22 DeAnza Elementary 16 15 Elwin Elementary 12 16 Foster Elementary 22 23 Geddes Elementary 19 20 Heath Elementary 24 30 Kenmore Elementary 18 18 Pleasant View Elementary 17 17 Santa Fe Elementary 37 44 Tracy Elementary 21 24 Vineland Elementary 23 36 Walnut Elementary 22 21


Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 30 20 38 Bursch Elementary 31 21 41 Central Elementary 33 22 44 DeAnza Elementary 23 13 34 Elwin Elementary 21 12 27 Foster Elementary 38 24 46 Geddes Elementary 27 16 46 Heath Elementary 28 22 13 Kenmore Elementary 23 13 53 Pleasant View Elementary 30 20 45 Santa Fe Elementary 52 40 30 Tracy Elementary 31 26 36 Vineland Elementary 38 25 37 Walnut Elementary 29 15 35


Bassett Unified


Name Read Math District 19 25 Don Julian Elementary 16 21 Edgewood Academy 30 32 Erwin Elementary 19 18 Sunkist Elementary 11 19 VanWig Elementary 26 41

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 26 19 34 Don Julian Elementary 25 15 52 Edgewood Academy 30 38 6 Erwin Elementary 25 16 27 Sunkist Elementary 20 12 45 VanWig Elementary 33 29 33


Bellflower Unified


Name Read Math District 37 45 Baxter Elementary 39 39 Foster Elementary 60 70 Jefferson Elementary 37 47 Las Flores Elementary 17 20 Lindstrom Elementary 47 61 Pyle Elementary 31 42 Ramona Elementary 32 37 Washington Elementary 28 34 Williams Elementary 38 44 Woodruff Elementary 23 28

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 45 35 16 Baxter Elementary 58 38 6 Foster Elementary 61 48 3 Jefferson Elementary 44 33 16 Las Flores Elementary 20 21 52 Lindstrom Elementary 58 47 5 Pyle Elementary 33 36 11 Ramona Elementary 35 33 17 Washington Elementary 46 33 28 Williams Elementary 41 33 19 Woodruff Elementary 36 22 25


Beverly Hills Unified


Name Read Math District 76 77 Beverly Vista Elementary 73 66 El Rodeo Elementary 78 78 Hawthorne Elementary 71 77 Horace Mann Elementary 81 82


Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 77 73 7 Beverly Vista Elementary 70 74 12 El Rodeo Elementary 79 73 2 Hawthorne Elementary 79 70 12 Horace Mann Elementary 79 74 4


Bonita Unified


Name Read Math District 49 48 Allen Avenue Elementary 48 41 Ekstrand Elementary 40 40 Gladstone Elementary 51 50 Grace Miller Elementary 50 47 LaVerne Heights Elem. 55 62 Oak Mesa Elementary 63 68 Roynon Elementary 39 31 Shull Elementary 51 53

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 52 46 0 Allen Avenue Elementary 52 39 0 Ekstrand Elementary 45 42 0 Gladstone Elementary 49 38 0 Grace Miller Elementary 52 46 0 LaVerne Heights Elem. 67 59 0 Oak Mesa Elementary 59 59 0 Roynon Elementary 40 37 0 Shull Elementary 57 52 0


Burbank Unified


Name Read Math District 48 53 Disney Elementary 33 48 Edison Elementary 50 43 Emerson Elementary 50 55 Harte Elementary 52 64 Jefferson Elementary 60 56 McKinley Elementary 41 49 Miller Elementary 43 52 Providencia Elementary 28 41 Roosevelt Elementary 60 51 Stevenson Elementary 55 55 Washington Elementary 44 57

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 52 43 30 Disney Elementary 40 26 51 Edison Elementary 53 42 22 Emerson Elementary 56 49 26 Harte Elementary 57 52 20 Jefferson Elementary 57 61 23 McKinley Elementary 48 32 39 Miller Elementary 48 35 32 Providencia Elementary 38 24 62 Roosevelt Elementary 56 53 10 Stevenson Elementary 59 51 14 Washington Elementary 54 40 40


Castaic Union Elementary


Name Read Math District 52 53 Castaic Middle 52 53

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 55 48 13 Castaic Middle 55 48 13


Charter Oak Unified


Name Read Math District 42 44 Badillo Elementary 27 32 Cedargrove Elementary 52 52 Glen Oak Elementary 35 37 Oak Knoll Alternative * * Washington Elementary 48 47 Willow Elementary 54 57


Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 45 43 9 Badillo Elementary 32 28 19 Cedargrove Elementary 54 51 8 Glen Oak Elementary 39 39 6 Oak Knoll Alternative * * 0 Washington Elementary 47 45 3 Willow Elementary 51 57 8


Claremont Unified


Name Read Math District 59 47 Chaparral Elementary 68 55 Condit Elementary 71 56 Mountain View Elementary 39 41 Oakmont Elementary 43 33 Sumner Elementary 61 50 Sycamore Elementary 73 57 Vista Del Valle Elem. 37 27

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 53 52 7 Chaparral Elementary 60 63 8 Condit Elementary 57 58 2 Mountain View Elementary 41 36 14 Oakmont Elementary 45 41 13 Sumner Elementary 52 48 3 Sycamore Elementary 69 65 5 Vista Del Valle Elem. 41 36 12


Compton Unified


Name Read Math District 15 19 Anderson Elementary 11 15 Bunche Elementary 30 26 Bursch Elementary 15 20 Caldwell Street Elementary 40 32 Carver Elementary 23 17 Dickison Elementary 15 20 Emerson Elementary 10 13 Foster Elementary 26 22 Francis Willard 11 16 Jefferson Elementary 21 36 Kelly Elementary 12 18 Kennedy Elementary 20 24 King Elementary 7 11 Laurel Street Elementary 19 26 Lincoln Elementary 9 13 Longfellow Elementary 17 17 McNair Elementary 22 26 Roosevelt Elementary 10 16 Rosecrans Elementary 11 15 Tibby Elementary 16 18 Vanguard Learning Center 8 12 Washington Elementary 14 20

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 21 16 25 Anderson Elementary 17 17 20 Bunche Elementary 30 30 3 Bursch Elementary 25 15 38 Caldwell Street Elementary 42 21 0 Carver Elementary 29 18 44 Dickison Elementary 26 18 52 Emerson Elementary 15 11 0 Foster Elementary 23 20 19 Francis Willard 18 13 45 Jefferson Elementary 24 18 49 Kelly Elementary 22 15 39 Kennedy Elementary 23 18 10 King Elementary 15 9 0 Laurel Street Elementary 24 21 29 Lincoln Elementary 19 12 49 Longfellow Elementary 21 18 0 McNair Elementary 28 23 11 Roosevelt Elementary 20 14 0 Rosecrans Elementary 18 11 59 Tibby Elementary 27 18 25 Vanguard Learning Center 16 13 21 Washington Elementary 18 10 41


Covina-Valley Unified


Name Read Math District 44 45 Barranca Elementary 53 62 Ben Lomond Elementary 66 66 Covina Elementary 32 25 Cypress Elementary 28 27 Grovecenter Elementary 60 61 Lark Ellen Elementary 32 35 Manzanita Elementary 30 29 Merwin Elementary 37 41 Mesa Elementary 57 61 Ranger High * * Rowland Avenue Elementary 48 53 Valencia Elementary 32 29 Workman Avenue Elementary 34 35


Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 48 39 18 Barranca Elementary 54 44 12 Ben Lomond Elementary 68 61 13 Covina Elementary 35 31 11 Cypress Elementary 34 24 18 Grovecenter Elementary 57 53 16 Lark Ellen Elementary 36 25 31 Manzanita Elementary 34 22 18 Merwin Elementary 47 40 18 Mesa Elementary 62 55 22 Ranger High * * 0 Rowland Avenue Elementary 57 46 16 Valencia Elementary 32 26 25 Workman Avenue Elementary 41 29 16


Culver City Unified


Name Read Math District 48 42 El Marino Elementary 61 61 El Rincon Elementary 44 43 Farragut Elementary 57 41 Howe Elementary 46 41 La Ballona Elementary 37 30

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 48 39 22 El Marino Elementary 62 46 14 El Rincon Elementary 46 39 11 Farragut Elementary 54 53 16 Howe Elementary 42 27 36 La Ballona Elementary 41 36 30


Downey Unified


Name Read Math District 40 44 Alameda Elementary 45 54 Carpenter Elementary 39 47 Gallatin Elementary 53 59 Gauldin Elementary 27 27 Lewis Elementary 42 45 Old River Elementary 39 45 Pace Elementary 30 36 Price Elementary 44 36 Rio Hondo Elementary 42 41 Rio San Gabriel Elementary 49 53 Unsworth Elementary 36 40 Ward Elementary 32 37

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 52 45 23 Alameda Elementary 60 40 22 Carpenter Elementary 57 45 33 Gallatin Elementary 59 56 19 Gauldin Elementary 40 32 21 Lewis Elementary 52 49 12 Old River Elementary 50 45 24 Pace Elementary 45 47 0 Price Elementary 49 53 26 Rio Hondo Elementary 53 52 30 Rio San Gabriel Elementary 61 56 9 Unsworth Elementary 50 31 25 Ward Elementary 47 39 26


Duarte Unified


Name Read Math District 30 35 Andres Duarte Elementary 26 24 Beardslee Elementary 26 37 Maxwell Elementary 14 20 Royal Oaks Elementary 50 52 Valley View Elementary 38 49


Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 40 27 0 Andres Duarte Elementary 35 25 0 Beardslee Elementary 33 19 0 Maxwell Elementary 26 11 1 Royal Oaks Elementary 58 48 0 Valley View Elementary 51 39 0


East Whittier City Elementary


Name Read Math District 37 35 Ceres Elementary 19 21 Evergreen Elementary 13 20 La Colima Elementary 30 23 Laurel Elementary 29 30 Leffingwell Elementary 49 41 Mulberry Elementary 37 24 Murphy Ranch Elementary 61 72 Ocean View Elementary 54 47 Orchard Dale Elementary 47 47 Scott Avenue Elementary 49 49

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 42 35 20 Ceres Elementary 30 22 27 Evergreen Elementary 21 17 76 La Colima Elementary 32 27 15 Laurel Elementary 36 27 23 Leffingwell Elementary 58 45 11 Mulberry Elementary 42 31 15 Murphy Ranch Elementary 67 65 5 Ocean View Elementary 49 48 2 Orchard Dale Elementary 49 41 10 Scott Avenue Elementary 47 44 12


Eastside Union Elementary


Name Read Math District 29 30 Eastside Elementary 22 22 Tierra Bonita South 34 36

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 33 28 18 Eastside Elementary 25 21 25 Tierra Bonita South 39 34 13


El Monte City Elementary


Name Read Math District 20 29 Cherrylee Elementary 35 40 Cleminson Elementary 31 39 Columbia Elementary 13 14 Cortada Elementary 19 35 Durfee Elementary 18 26 Gidley Elementary 37 37 LeGore Elementary 24 30 Loma Elementary 8 10 Mulhall Elementary 19 26 New Lexington Elementary 21 33 Norwood Elementary 29 41 Potrero Elementary 12 27 Rio Hondo Elementary 28 31 Rio Vista Elementary 35 36 Shirpser Elementary 12 23 Tri-District Alternate * Wilkerson Elementary 22 43 Wright Elementary 20 26

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 29 20 64 Cherrylee Elementary 41 25 53 Cleminson Elementary 37 40 35 Columbia Elementary 21 12 71 Cortada Elementary 34 24 78 Durfee Elementary 28 16 57 Gidley Elementary 46 44 27 LeGore Elementary 34 21 74 Loma Elementary 12 7 90 Mulhall Elementary 22 16 66 New Lexington Elementary 30 21 59 Norwood Elementary 42 32 50 Potrero Elementary 21 10 88 Rio Hondo Elementary 31 30 41 Rio Vista Elementary 41 34 41 Shirpser Elementary 20 13 79 Tri-District Alternate * 100 Wilkerson Elementary 30 27 73 Wright Elementary 27 18 70



El Rancho Unified


Name Read Math District 24 23 Birney Elementary 23 22 Durfee Elementary 30 24 Magee Elementary 19 24 Meller Elementary 29 18 North Ranchito Elementary 23 20 Pio Pico Elementary 10 13 Rio Vista Elementary 27 24 Rivera Elementary 28 30 South Ranchito Elementary 23 22 Valencia Elementary 30 22

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 28 22 31 Birney Elementary 27 24 39 Durfee Elementary 33 29 17 Magee Elementary 23 17 36 Meller Elementary 29 23 31 North Ranchito Elementary 30 17 36 Pio Pico Elementary 13 9 48 Rio Vista Elementary 34 27 25 Rivera Elementary 32 24 34 South Ranchito Elementary 26 19 27 Valencia Elementary 28 23 19


El Segundo Unified


Name Read Math District 72 71 Center Street Elementary 72 71

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 68 63 0 Center Street Elementary 68 63 0


Garvey Elementary


Name Read Math District 30 38 Bitely Elementary 25 33 Dewey Avenue Elementary 49 60 Duff Elementary 22 26 Emerson Elementary 39 53 Hillcrest Elementary 47 47 Logsdon * * Marshall Elementary 32 49 Monterey Vista Elementary 37 44 Rice Elementary 29 39 Sanchez Elementary 28 33 Willard Elementary 15 21 Williams Elementary 27 26

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 39 37 46 Bitely Elementary 40 26 55 Dewey Avenue Elementary 58 58 27 Duff Elementary 26 25 51 Emerson Elementary 52 49 27 Hillcrest Elementary 47 51 22 Logsdon * * 0 Marshall Elementary 37 41 65 Monterey Vista Elementary 43 43 21 Rice Elementary 40 40 58 Sanchez Elementary 33 37 83 Willard Elementary 23 19 67 Williams Elementary 36 29 35


Glendale Unified


Name Read Math District 44 48 Balboa Elementary 38 43 Cerritos Elementary 22 33 Columbus Elementary 35 41 Dunsmore Elementary 69 71 Edison Elementary 23 31 Franklin Elementary 33 44 Fremont Elementary 70 66 Glenoaks Elementary 62 57 Jefferson Elementary 27 33 Keppel Elementary 56 57 La Crescenta Elementary 54 61 Lincoln Elementary 61 56 Mann Elementary 21 32 Marshall Elementary 34 36 Monte Vista Elementary 73 74 Mountain Avenue Elementary 74 73 Muir Elementary 25 27 Verdugo Woodlands Elementary 70 71 White Elementary 42 43

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 54 43 44 Balboa Elementary 48 37 0 Cerritos Elementary 40 21 72 Columbus Elementary 50 33 0 Dunsmore Elementary 74 73 13 Edison Elementary 32 20 0 Franklin Elementary 40 32 54 Fremont Elementary 73 64 13 Glenoaks Elementary 66 65 28 Jefferson Elementary 37 27 0 Keppel Elementary 64 59 0 La Crescenta Elementary 63 58 21 Lincoln Elementary 59 56 14 Mann Elementary 36 21 0 Marshall Elementary 44 33 0 Monte Vista Elementary 79 77 11 Mountain Avenue Elementary 78 66 5 Muir Elementary 34 24 0 Verdugo Woodlands Elementary 72 68 17 White Elementary 48 34 0



Glendora Unified


Name Read Math District 61 60 Cullen Elementary 64 53 La Fetra Elementary 57 61 Sellers Elementary 68 70 Stanton Elementary 61 50 Sutherland Elementary 58 65 Williams Elementary 50 57

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 61 56 2 Cullen Elementary 61 59 3 La Fetra Elementary 57 49 4 Sellers Elementary 72 64 1 Stanton Elementary 63 58 0 Sutherland Elementary 56 58 3 Williams Elementary 52 42 5


Gorman Elementary


Name Read Math District 46 40 Gorman Elementary 46 40

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 45 40 8 Gorman Elementary 45 40 8


Hacienda La Puente Unified


Name Read Math District 30 31 Baldwin Elementary 20 21 Bixby Elementary 32 35 California Elementary 14 21 Del Valle Elementary 17 14 Fairgrove Academy 29 22 Glenelder Elementary 23 23 Grandview Elementary 11 9 Grazide Elementary 69 66 Kwis Elementary 28 29 Lassalette Elementary 22 30 Los Altos Elementary 61 67 Los Molinos Elementary 69 76 Los Robles Academy 52 54 Mesa Robles Elementary 54 66 Nelson Elementary 20 23 Palm Elementary 24 21 Puente Hills High * * Shadybend Elementary 18 21 Sparks Elementary 14 14 Sunset Elementary 24 21 Temple Academy 15 17 Valinda Elementary 21 23 Wedgeworth Elementary 53 62 Wing Lane Elementary 26 23 Workman Elementary 26 24

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 36 32 24 Baldwin Elementary 25 22 37 Bixby Elementary 42 47 3 California Elementary 22 12 35 Del Valle Elementary 25 14 50 Fairgrove Academy 32 32 25 Glenelder Elementary 30 21 22 Grandview Elementary 16 11 36 Grazide Elementary 65 75 14 Kwis Elementary 32 29 8 Lassalette Elementary 29 22 4 Los Altos Elementary 70 75 12 Los Molinos Elementary 77 73 18 Los Robles Academy 57 49 16 Mesa Robles Elementary 63 63 14 Nelson Elementary 27 20 40 Palm Elementary 27 26 15 Puente Hills High * * 0 Shadybend Elementary 28 22 53 Sparks Elementary 18 11 7 Sunset Elementary 26 17 2 Temple Academy 19 20 43 Valinda Elementary 28 26 31 Wedgeworth Elementary 62 67 11 Wing Lane Elementary 25 27 29 Workman Elementary 33 25 35


Hawthorne Elementary


Name Read Math District 20 25 Eucalyptus Elementary 18 24 Jefferson Elementary 26 31 Ramona Elementary 31 38 Washington Elementary 17 20 Williams Elementary 21 23 York Elementary 14 23

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 25 21 36 Eucalyptus Elementary 24 20 51 Jefferson Elementary 26 26 34 Ramona Elementary 34 29 36 Washington Elementary 23 21 36 Williams Elementary 24 21 30 York Elementary 21 14 35



Hermosa Beach City Elementary


Name Read Math District 74 74 Hermosa Valley Elementary 74 74

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 74 77 0 Hermosa Valley Elementary 74 77 0


Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Union Elementary


Name Read Math District 52 51 Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Elem. 52 51

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 52 53 0 Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Elem. 52 53 0


Inglewood Unified


Name Read Math District 31 37 Bennett/Kew Elementary 45 57 Centinela Elementary 21 26 Freeman Elementary 46 35 Highland Elementary 34 47 Hudnall Elementary 41 56 Kelso Elementary 53 64 La Tijera Elementary 22 22 Lane Elementary 18 16 Oak Street Elementary 29 38 Parent Elementary 61 62 Payne Elementary 31 43 Woodworth Elementary 18 24 Worthington Elementary 21 22

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 40 37 16 Bennett/Kew Elementary 59 56 8 Centinela Elementary 30 26 19 Freeman Elementary 45 50 0 Highland Elementary 44 44 15 Hudnall Elementary 51 43 0 Kelso Elementary 64 65 2 La Tijera Elementary 36 44 3 Lane Elementary 34 19 1 Oak Street Elementary 33 33 28 Parent Elementary 65 65 0 Payne Elementary 40 32 27 Woodworth Elementary 22 24 15 Worthington Elementary 32 26 41


Keppel Union Elementary


Name Read Math District 36 31 Alpine Elementary 40 37 Antelope Elementary 29 24 Daisy Gibson Elementary 36 28 Lake Los Angeles Elementary 34 32 Pearblossom Elementary 40 32

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 41 30 12 Alpine Elementary 43 32 15 Antelope Elementary 39 29 28 Daisy Gibson Elementary 38 29 10 Lake Los Angeles Elementary 38 28 6 Pearblossom Elementary 49 33 8


La Canada Unified


Name Read Math District 80 78 La Canada Elementary 82 78 Palm Crest Elementary 76 76 Paradise Canyon Elementary 82 78

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 77 80 5 La Canada Elementary 80 80 4 Palm Crest Elementary 74 80 5 Paradise Canyon Elementary 78 81 5



Lancaster Elementary


Name Read Math District 37 30 Cory Elementary 45 39 Desert View Elementary 32 23 El Dorado Elementary 37 32 Joshua Elementary 28 25 Lancaster Discovery & Achvmt * * Lancaster Elementary 41 36 Lincoln Elementary 46 36 Linda Verde Elementary 27 23 Mariposa Elementary 31 21 Monte Vista Elementary 55 44 New Vista Elementary 34 27 Sierra Elementary 37 29 Sunnydale Elementary 32 28

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 43 36 10 Cory Elementary 51 47 4 Desert View Elementary 37 26 21 El Dorado Elementary 45 34 13 Joshua Elementary 30 27 11 Lancaster Discovery & Achvmt * * 0 Lancaster Elementary 48 40 7 Lincoln Elementary 53 49 7 Linda Verde Elementary 35 30 18 Mariposa Elementary 37 29 18 Monte Vista Elementary 58 46 5 New Vista Elementary 37 35 11 Sierra Elementary 44 40 8 Sunnydale Elementary 35 29 5


Las Virgenes Unified


Name Read Math District 76 71 Bay Laurel Elementary 67 65 Chaparral Elementary 78 77 Lupin Hill Elementary 72 63 Round Meadow Elementary 70 70 Sumac Elementary 72 59 White Oak Elementary 85 75 Willow Elementary 81 76 Yerba Buena Elementary 77 76

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 75 68 5 Bay Laurel Elementary 69 67 6 Chaparral Elementary 77 73 6 Lupin Hill Elementary 71 63 6 Round Meadow Elementary 72 62 6 Sumac Elementary 76 61 7 White Oak Elementary 79 74 2 Willow Elementary 79 77 3 Yerba Buena Elementary 75 65 2


Lawndale Elementary


Name Read Math District 23 25 Addams Elementary 21 22 Anderson Elementary 25 29 Green Elementary 23 30 Mitchell Elementary 18 20 Roosevelt Elementary 13 16 Twain Elementary 54 43

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 30 23 36 Addams Elementary 28 19 35 Anderson Elementary 34 26 42 Green Elementary 28 26 42 Mitchell Elementary 27 22 34 Roosevelt Elementary 21 15 40 Twain Elementary 46 41 10



Lennox Elementary


Name Read Math District 14 20 Buford Elementary 20 26 Felton Elementary 12 19 Jefferson Elementary 14 20 Moffett Elementary 14 18 Whelan Elementary 11 15

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 22 13 66 Buford Elementary 26 16 32 Felton Elementary 21 12 80 Jefferson Elementary 23 12 70 Moffett Elementary 24 13 73 Whelan Elementary 16 9 85


Little Lake City Elementary


Name Read Math District 28 31 Cresson Elementary 30 34 Jersey Avenue Elementary 24 36 Lakeland Elementary 30 33 Lakeview Elementary 31 35 Orr Elementary 30 31 Paddison Elementary 24 26 Studebaker Elementary 27 22

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 37 24 33 Cresson Elementary 44 24 40 Jersey Avenue Elementary 35 26 29 Lakeland Elementary 36 26 39 Lakeview Elementary 41 27 11 Orr Elementary 34 26 38 Paddison Elementary 34 18 42 Studebaker Elementary 35 23 33


Long Beach Unified


Name Read Math District 29 31 Addams Elementary 20 23 Alvarado Elementary 35 25 Avalon 36 36 Barton Elementary 19 26 Birney Elementary 32 42 Bixby Elementary 27 24 Bryant Elementary 32 28 Buffum Elementary 33 41 Burbank Elementary 19 19 Burcham Elementary 39 41 Burnett Elementary 14 18 Burroughs Elementary 48 49 Butler Elementary 18 19 Carver Elementary 59 65 Cleveland Elementary 33 35 Cubberley Elementary 53 57 Emerson Elementary 18 18 Fremont Elementary 50 36 Gant Elementary 72 73 Garfield Elementary 16 21 Gompers Elementary 20 26 Grant Elementary 22 28 Harte Elementary 22 22 Henry Elementary 20 28 Holmes Elementary 24 27 Hudson Elementary 37 30 International Elementary 15 21 Keller Elementary 23 21 Kettering Elementary 31 31 King Elementary 17 19 Lafayette Elementary 12 14 Lincoln Elementary 15 21 Longfellow Elementary 58 49 Los Cerritos Elementary 50 47 Lowell Elementary 75 65 MacArthur Elementary 29 34 Madison Elementary 54 53 Mann Elementary 27 25 McKinley Elementary 20 25 Monroe Elementary 22 25 Muir Elementary 27 28 Naples Elementary 61 66 Newcomb Elementary 68 69 Prisk Elementary 58 55 Riley Elementary 25 33 Robinson Elementary 26 32 Roosevelt Elementary 19 21 Signal Hill Elementary 31 34 Stevenson Elementary 18 29 Sutter Elementary 29 31 Tincher Elementary 41 39 Twain Elementary 54 47 Two Harbors Elementary * * Webster Elementary 16 23 Whittier Elementary 11 18 Willard Elementary 24 23

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 37 28 40 Addams Elementary 29 22 48 Alvarado Elementary 38 45 33 Avalon 45 26 41 Barton Elementary 31 25 31 Birney Elementary 44 42 17 Bixby Elementary 31 24 22 Bryant Elementary 38 31 19 Buffum Elementary 45 36 19 Burbank Elementary 29 20 63 Burcham Elementary 40 32 34 Burnett Elementary 21 14 63 Burroughs Elementary 54 51 7 Butler Elementary 33 22 49 Carver Elementary 64 59 7 Cleveland Elementary 40 32 33 Cubberley Elementary 60 52 13 Emerson Elementary 30 14 53 Fremont Elementary 53 54 12 Gant Elementary 72 59 4 Garfield Elementary 25 19 64 Gompers Elementary 31 17 54 Grant Elementary 31 22 47 Harte Elementary 32 23 37 Henry Elementary 27 19 58 Holmes Elementary 31 26 35 Hudson Elementary 42 39 26 International Elementary 23 14 61 Keller Elementary 30 19 60 Kettering Elementary 40 33 13 King Elementary 26 18 57 Lafayette Elementary 22 12 55 Lincoln Elementary 26 17 88 Longfellow Elementary 57 58 9 Los Cerritos Elementary 55 53 12 Lowell Elementary 74 67 4 MacArthur Elementary 31 22 47 Madison Elementary 59 50 13 Mann Elementary 37 27 25 McKinley Elementary 29 19 40 Monroe Elementary 30 18 51 Muir Elementary 38 28 32 Naples Elementary 65 59 29 Newcomb Elementary 73 61 8 Prisk Elementary 57 54 20 Riley Elementary 33 25 43 Robinson Elementary 32 29 31 Roosevelt Elementary 35 23 63 Signal Hill Elementary 43 27 55 Stevenson Elementary 29 19 50 Sutter Elementary 36 28 40 Tincher Elementary 41 32 31 Twain Elementary 54 47 3 Two Harbors Elementary * * 0 Webster Elementary 29 23 41 Whittier Elementary 20 12 89 Willard Elementary 28 29 66



Los Angeles County Office of Education


Name Read Math District 10 8

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 11 10 17


Los Angeles Unified


Name Read Math District 23 27

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 30 23 50


Los Nietos Elementary


Name Read Math District 27 27 Aeolian Elementary 26 26 Nelson Elementary 22 26 Rancho Santa Gertrudes Elem. 33 30

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 34 21 34 Aeolian Elementary 29 19 45 Nelson Elementary 34 17 43 Rancho Santa Gertrudes Elem. 38 28 17


Lowell Joint Elementary


Name Read Math District 64 61 El Portal Elementary 56 55 Jordan Elementary 59 55 Macy Elementary 75 65 Meadow Green Elementary 63 60 Olita Elementary 62 67

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 67 63 3 El Portal Elementary 57 54 8 Jordan Elementary 66 65 5 Macy Elementary 74 72 0 Meadow Green Elementary 64 55 0 Olita Elementary 71 67 0


Lynwood Unified


Name Read Math District 15 24 Abbott Elementary 18 33 Lincoln Elementary 15 24 Lindbergh Elementary 9 16 Lugo Elementary 26 22 Rogers Elementary 16 20 Roosevelt Elementary 13 27 Twain Elementary 12 21 Washington Elementary 24 32 Wilson Elementary 15 25

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 24 18 61 Abbott Elementary 31 24 63 Lincoln Elementary 23 17 73 Lindbergh Elementary 17 10 43 Lugo Elementary 31 26 67 Rogers Elementary 23 17 72 Roosevelt Elementary 23 16 81 Twain Elementary 21 17 53 Washington Elementary 33 30 54 Wilson Elementary 26 17 57



Manhattan Beach Unified


Name Read Math District 82 81 Grand View Elementary 86 84 Meadows Avenue Elementary 73 72 Pacific Elementary 79 78 Pennekamp Elementary 87 84 Robinson Elementary 79 82

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 79 76 0 Grand View Elementary 82 85 0 Meadows Avenue Elementary 81 63 0 Pacific Elementary 73 72 1 Pennekamp Elementary 77 80 0 Robinson Elementary 82 71 0


Monrovia Unified


Name Read Math District 35 36 Bradoaks Elementary 34 38 Mayflower Elementary 48 46 Monroe Elementary 38 36 Plymouth Elementary 28 35 Wild Rose Elementary 28 27

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 41 31 20 Bradoaks Elementary 40 33 13 Mayflower Elementary 58 45 20 Monroe Elementary 39 26 23 Plymouth Elementary 33 30 13 Wild Rose Elementary 36 26 29


Montebello Unified


Name Read Math District 23 20 Bandini Elementary 20 20 Bell Gardens Elementary 10 12 Bella Vista Elementary 40 29 Chavez Elementary 32 24 Eastmont Elementary 16 14 Fremont Elementary 29 18 Garfield Elementary 20 18 Greenwood Elementary 22 17 La Merced Elementary 36 31 Laguna Nueva Elementar (formerly Gage Elementary) 16 18 Montebello Gardens Elem 24 26 Montebello Park Elementary 19 15 Potrero Heights Elementary 44 34 Rosewood Park Elementary 18 17 Suva Elementary 16 12 Washington Elementary 28 30 Wilcox Elementary 29 27 Winter Gardens Elementary 27 23

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 26 19 44 Bandini Elementary 25 17 25 Bell Gardens Elementary 15 10 80 Bella Vista Elementary 42 33 18 Chavez Elementary 39 26 39 Eastmont Elementary 19 13 74 Fremont Elementary 25 18 44 Garfield Elementary 23 19 30 Greenwood Elementary 26 16 54 La Merced Elementary 40 29 7 Laguna Nueva Elementary (formerly Gage Elementary) 19 14 61 Montebello Gardens Elem 29 29 10 Montebello Park Elementary 19 14 45 Potrero Heights Elementary 47 44 16 Rosewood Park Elementary 21 12 49 Suva Elementary 16 15 50 Washington Elementary 34 23 38 Wilcox Elementary 31 22 19 Winter Gardens Elementary 26 17 44



Mountain View Elementary


Name Read Math District 17 22 Baker Elementary 15 19 Cogswell Elementary 10 14 Maxson Elementary 18 26 Miramonte Elementary 16 23 Monte Vista Elementary 22 22 Parkview Elementary 18 21 Payne Elementary 12 16 Twin Lakes Elementary 23 28 Voorhis Elementary 20 26

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 26 17 59 Baker Elementary 24 16 65 Cogswell Elementary 23 14 70 Maxson Elementary 26 18 53 Miramonte Elementary 27 15 67 Monte Vista Elementary 29 19 53 Parkview Elementary 26 17 31 Payne Elementary 22 11 76 Twin Lakes Elementary 31 22 58 Voorhis Elementary 29 21 66


Newhall Elementary


Name Read Math District 65 64 Meadows Elementary 82 83 Newhall Elementary 43 45 Old Orchard Elementary 59 59 Peachland Avenue Elementary 59 60 Stevenson Ranch Elementary 69 66 Valencia Valley Elementary 72 65 Wiley Canyon Elementary 63 66

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 66 60 13 Meadows Elementary 83 81 0 Newhall Elementary 50 44 31 Old Orchard Elementary 64 53 17 Peachland Avenue Elementary 63 51 17 Stevenson Ranch Elementary 65 60 2 Valencia Valley Elementary 69 65 4 Wiley Canyon Elementary 65 60 19


Norwalk-La Mirada Unified


Name Read Math District 30 29 Chavez Elementary 26 29 Dolland Elementary 21 22 Dulles Elementary 38 30 Eastwood Elementary 48 48 Edmondson Elementary 19 27 Escalona Elementary 59 51 Foster Road Elementary 26 19 Gardenhill Elementary 47 50 Glazier Elementary 35 26 Johnston Elementary 29 26 La Pluma Elementary 44 37 Lampton Middle 30 38 Moffitt Elementary 21 17 Morrison Elementary 26 33 New River Elementary 23 20 Nuffer Elementary 19 22 Sanchez Elementary 14 14

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 35 26 27 Chavez Elementary 32 20 37 Dolland Elementary 26 17 32 Dulles Elementary 34 33 0 Eastwood Elementary 50 45 16 Edmondson Elementary 27 18 55 Escalona Elementary 58 50 8 Foster Road Elementary 24 21 33 Gardenhill Elementary 54 36 3 Glazier Elementary 43 35 25 Johnston Elementary 31 21 28 La Pluma Elementary 47 37 7 Lampton Middle 43 32 25 Moffitt Elementary 25 18 36 Morrison Elementary 32 22 27 New River Elementary 30 21 24 Nuffer Elementary 28 25 38 Sanchez Elementary 19 12 59



Options For Youth - Long Beach


Name Read Math District * * Options For Youth - Long Beach * *

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District * * 0 Options For Youth - Long Beach * * 0


Options For Youth - San Gabriel


Name Read Math District * * Voyager Charter * *

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District * * 0 Voyager Charter * * 0


Palmdale Elementary


Name Read Math District 36 33 Barrel Springs Elementary 44 36 Buena Vista Elementary 41 46 Cactus Elementary 37 33 Chaparral Elementary 38 35 Cimarron 33 22 Desert Rose Elementary 37 35 Joshua Hills Elementary 46 34 Manzanita Elementary 29 23 Mesquite Elementary 35 35 Oak Tree Learning Center * * Ocotillo Elementary 45 48 Palm Tree Elementary 34 41 Palmdale Learning Plaza 37 28 Summerwind Elementary 41 50 Tamarisk Elementary 17 18 Tumbleweed Elementary 31 24 Wildflower Elementary 34 26 Yucca Elementary 17 17

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 43 36 13 Barrel Springs Elementary 41 40 7 Buena Vista Elementary 47 39 13 Cactus Elementary 40 36 13 Chaparral Elementary 45 41 0 Cimarron 36 29 2 Desert Rose Elementary 44 41 12 Joshua Hills Elementary 51 43 9 Manzanita Elementary 32 28 19 Mesquite Elementary 47 42 11 Oak Tree Learning Center * * 0 Ocotillo Elementary 59 46 7 Palm Tree Elementary 43 32 26 Palmdale Learning Plaza 45 35 0 Summerwind Elementary 51 46 14 Tamarisk Elementary 26 16 35 Tumbleweed Elementary 36 33 20 Wildflower Elementary 39 34 5 Yucca Elementary 25 16 32


Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified


Name Read Math District 78 84 Cornerstone at Pedregal Elementary 87 87 Lunada Bay Elementary 77 78 Mira Catalina Elementary 68 75 Montemalaga Elementary 74 82 Point Vicente Elementary 72 78 Rancho Vista Elementary 81 87 Silver Spur Elementary 86 88 Soleado Elementary 77 83 Vista Grande Elementary 79 90

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 78 80 9 Cornerstone at Pedregal Elementary 84 83 0 Lunada Bay Elementary 71 78 0 Mira Catalina Elementary 71 70 4 Montemalaga Elementary 78 80 11 Point Vicente Elementary 71 76 17 Rancho Vista Elementary 84 82 4 Silver Spur Elementary 81 85 6 Soleado Elementary 80 80 20 Vista Grande Elementary 81 86 14


Paramount Unified


Name Read Math District 16 19 Alondra Elementary 18 20 Collins Elementary 26 21 Gaines Elementary 15 17 Hollydale Elementary 16 18 Keppel Elementary 12 19 Lakewood Elementary 21 23 Lincoln Elementary 20 22 Los Cerritos Elementary 9 14 Mokler Elementary 20 21 Orange Avenue Elementary 11 14 Roosevelt Elementary 18 20 Wirtz Elementary 14 19

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 24 15 49 Alondra Elementary 27 18 48 Collins Elementary 34 24 24 Gaines Elementary 26 16 37 Hollydale Elementary 22 15 49 Keppel Elementary 21 9 74 Lakewood Elementary 29 26 4 Lincoln Elementary 26 16 57 Los Cerritos Elementary 15 8 61 Mokler Elementary 28 20 49 Orange Avenue Elementary 22 12 59 Roosevelt Elementary 28 18 46 Wirtz Elementary 20 12 57



Pasadena Unified


Name Read Math District 30 34 Allendale Elementary 47 47 Altadena Elementary 36 44 Burbank Elementary 24 34 Cleveland Elementary 17 25 Coombs Alternative 70 54 Don Benito Fundamental 74 84 Edison Elementary 23 20 Field Elementary 21 27 Franklin Elementary 15 21 Hamilton Elementary 33 41 Jackson Elementary 20 30 Jefferson Elementary 24 27 Linda Vista Elementary 27 22 Loma Alta Elementary 25 20 Longfellow Elementary 19 24 Madison Elementary 31 41 Noyes Elementary 57 62 Roosevelt Elementary 23 23 San Rafael Elementary 22 23 Sierra Madre Elementary 44 34 Washington Middle 16 18 Webster Elementary 26 29 Willard Elementary 32 35

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 34 28 31 Allendale Elementary 49 30 11 Altadena Elementary 39 32 15 Burbank Elementary 29 27 36 Cleveland Elementary 23 17 34 Coombs Alternative 57 62 0 Don Benito Fundamental 76 73 2 Edison Elementary 25 30 8 Field Elementary 26 21 38 Franklin Elementary 20 14 23 Hamilton Elementary 37 36 26 Jackson Elementary 30 22 40 Jefferson Elementary 25 19 45 Linda Vista Elementary 30 22 33 Loma Alta Elementary 26 27 35 Longfellow Elementary 24 19 38 Madison Elementary 37 28 72 Noyes Elementary 51 45 17 Roosevelt Elementary 29 19 43 San Rafael Elementary 28 20 27 Sierra Madre Elementary 46 34 25 Washington Middle 23 18 23 Webster Elementary 28 23 42 Willard Elementary 34 28 45


Pomona Unified


Name Read Math District 27 30 Alcott Elementary 12 18 Allison Elementary 33 35 Armstrong Elementary 61 60 Arroyo Elementary 21 29 Barfield Elementary 20 27 Decker Elementary 61 66 Diamond Point Elementary 71 75 Golden Springs Elementary 78 83 Harrison Elementary 27 32 Kellogg Polytechnic Elementary 18 15 Kingsley Elementary 25 24 Lexington Elementary 15 18 Lincoln Elementary 18 18 Madison Elementary 26 33 Mendoza Elementary 17 16 Montvue Elementary 27 30 Philadelphia Elementary 23 22 Pomona Alternative Secondary * * Pueblo Elementary 19 15 Ranch Hills Elementary 61 66 Roosevelt Elementary 13 18 San Antonio Elementary 15 25 San Jose Elementary 45 45 Vejar Elementary 14 17 Washington Elementary 11 16 Westmont Elementary 18 24 Yorba Elementary 28 31

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 34 26 43 Alcott Elementary 21 12 68 Allison Elementary 33 23 44 Armstrong Elementary 71 72 5 Arroyo Elementary 28 21 59 Barfield Elementary 33 23 50 Decker Elementary 61 64 7 Diamond Point Elementary 69 71 2 Golden Springs Elementary 82 81 3 Harrison Elementary 33 28 36 Kellogg Polytechnic Elementary 22 14 38 Kingsley Elementary 29 23 32 Lexington Elementary 15 12 34 Lincoln Elementary 24 14 47 Madison Elementary 38 23 66 Mendoza Elementary 21 13 72 Montvue Elementary 30 28 33 Philadelphia Elementary 31 23 55 Pomona Alternative Secondary * * 0 Pueblo Elementary 28 15 62 Ranch Hills Elementary 64 62 1 Roosevelt Elementary 18 14 53 San Antonio Elementary 23 18 62 San Jose Elementary 43 38 14 Vejar Elementary 19 13 63 Washington Elementary 18 11 60 Westmont Elementary 30 17 62 Yorba Elementary 34 33 11


Redondo Beach Unified


Name Read Math District 58 54 Alta Vista Elementary 66 59 Beryl Heights Elementary 58 57 Birney Elementary 41 39 Jefferson Elementary 74 75 Lincoln Elementary 63 59 Madison Elementary 48 50 Tulita Elementary 62 47 Washington Elementary 42 41

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 57 52 13 Alta Vista Elementary 69 66 5 Beryl Heights Elementary 59 53 18 Birney Elementary 41 39 13 Jefferson Elementary 73 66 7 Lincoln Elementary 58 59 14 Madison Elementary 50 41 14 Tulita Elementary 57 51 6 Washington Elementary 44 35 23



Rosemead Elementary


Name Read Math District 41 48 Encinita Elementary 34 41 Janson Elementary 35 36 Savannah Elementary 38 52 Shuey Elementary 58 63

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 51 44 28 Encinita Elementary 42 38 48 Janson Elementary 45 41 29 Savannah Elementary 52 45 22 Shuey Elementary 64 51 21


Rowland Unified


Name Read Math District 35 45 Blandford Elementary 45 54 Farjardo Elementary 32 37 Hollingworth Elementary 37 48 Hurley Elementary 17 23 Jellick Elementary 35 41 Killian Elementary 47 54 La Seda Elementary 22 30 Northam Elementary 24 33 Oswalt Elementary 68 80 Rorimer Elementary 26 42 Rowland Elementary 43 51 Shelyn Elementary 57 71 Villacorta Elementary 19 30 Ybarra Elementary 50 62 Yorbita Elementary 21 26

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 47 37 31 Blandford Elementary 53 53 31 Farjardo Elementary 40 31 39 Hollingworth Elementary 52 47 14 Hurley Elementary 30 18 32 Jellick Elementary 48 44 23 Killian Elementary 60 56 21 La Seda Elementary 30 16 54 Northam Elementary 41 21 59 Oswalt Elementary 75 69 7 Rorimer Elementary 35 20 45 Rowland Elementary 50 50 24 Shelyn Elementary 66 62 11 Villacorta Elementary 32 19 52 Ybarra Elementary 65 59 16 Yorbita Elementary 29 16 37


San Gabriel Unified


Name Read Math District 45 53 Coolidge Elementary 59 64 McKinley Elementary 38 50 Roosevelt Elementary 31 41 Washington Elementary 54 50 Wilson Elementary 60 71

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 51 51 54 Coolidge Elementary 62 64 34 McKinley Elementary 55 51 67 Roosevelt Elementary 36 36 61 Washington Elementary 53 51 49 Wilson Elementary 57 62 41



San Marino Unified


Name Read Math District 79 78 Carver Elementary 80 79 Valentine Elementary 79 77

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 79 85 6 Carver Elementary 78 85 6 Valentine Elementary 80 85 6


Santa Monica-Malibu Unified


Name Read Math District 64 62 Cabrillo Elementary 50 40 Edison Elementary 36 40 Franklin Elementary 82 82 Grant Elementary 56 52 McKinley Elementary 54 68 Muir Elementary 45 40 Pt Dume Elementary 83 79 Rogers Elementary 49 36 Roosevelt Elementary 71 67 Santa Monica Alternative 80 65 Webster Elementary 76 79

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 60 55 12 Cabrillo Elementary 48 46 6 Edison Elementary 41 26 25 Franklin Elementary 77 78 4 Grant Elementary 49 47 7 McKinley Elementary 55 46 29 Muir Elementary 49 39 29 Pt Dume Elementary 75 64 2 Rogers Elementary 44 35 19 Roosevelt Elementary 70 64 7 Santa Monica Alternative 74 74 0 Webster Elementary 71 69 3


Saugus Union Elementary


Name Read Math District 67 70 Bouquet Canyon Elementary 77 75 Cedarcreek Elementary 49 45 Emblem Elementary 64 62 Foster Elementary 64 72 Helmers Elementary 76 80 Highlands Elementary 71 71 Mountainview Elementary 70 70 Rio Vista Elementary 59 72 Rosedell Elementary 65 74 Santa Clarita Elementary 69 73 Skyblue Mesa Elementary 64 62

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 68 63 5 Bouquet Canyon Elementary 73 70 0 Cedarcreek Elementary 45 46 16 Emblem Elementary 68 57 3 Foster Elementary 69 64 7 Helmers Elementary 74 75 0 Highlands Elementary 68 67 5 Mountainview Elementary 74 69 2 Rio Vista Elementary 60 54 7 Rosedell Elementary 71 61 1 Santa Clarita Elementary 71 71 6 Skyblue Mesa Elementary 67 62 6


South Pasadena Unified


Name Read Math District 71 68 Arroyo Vista Elementary 73 71 Marengo Elementary 70 67 Monterey Hills Elementary 68 64


Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 70 69 0 Arroyo Vista Elementary 71 73 0 Marengo Elementary 71 67 0 Monterey Hills Elementary 68 67 0


South Whittier Elementary


Name Read Math District 21 27 Carmela Elementary 13 15 Lake Marie Elementary 31 43 Loma Vista Elementary 34 37 McKibben Elementary 25 21 Monte Vista Middle 18 30 Telechron Elementary 31 37

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 29 18 45 Carmela Elementary 21 12 71 Lake Marie Elementary 37 31 25 Loma Vista Elementary 40 26 54 McKibben Elementary 28 21 30 Monte Vista Middle 27 15 52 Telechron Elementary 37 24 0


Sulphur Springs Union Elementary


Name Read Math District 55 52 Canyon Springs Community Elementary 42 38 Cox Community Elementary 62 61 Mint Canyon Community Elem. 34 35 Mitchell Community Elementary 64 62 Pinetree Community Elementary 60 55 Sulphur Springs Community Elementary 67 60 Valley View Elementary 41 47

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 58 51 9 Canyon Springs Community Elementary 49 37 25 Cox Community Elementary 66 59 4 Mint Canyon Community Elem. 39 35 25 Mitchell Community Elem 69 65 7 Pinetree Community Elem 60 54 2 Sulphur Springs Community Elementary 67 58 4 Valley View Elementary 49 40 6


Temple City Unified


Name Read Math District 55 60 Cloverly Elementary 56 53 Emperor Elementary 56 77 Longden Elementary 54 59


Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 61 57 12 Cloverly Elementary 61 60 14 Emperor Elementary 61 59 8 Longden Elementary 61 53 11


Torrance Unified


Name Read Math District 59 64 Adams Elementary 59 65 Anza Elementary 71 74 Arlington Elementary 59 63 Arnold Elementary 67 69 Carr Elementary 46 50 Edison Elementary 58 64 Fern Elementary 43 45 Hickory Elementary 60 64 Lincoln Elementary 51 62 Riviera Elementary 74 72 Seaside Elementary 70 83 Torrance Elementary 37 42 Towers Elementary 63 71 Victor Elementary 57 66 Walteria Elementary 70 72 Wood Elementary 61 63 Yukon Elementary 49 43

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 63 59 12 Adams Elementary 54 53 7 Anza Elementary 72 70 6 Arlington Elementary 62 66 7 Arnold Elementary 70 63 16 Carr Elementary 53 47 12 Edison Elementary 68 59 13 Fern Elementary 47 39 2 Hickory Elementary 63 69 19 Lincoln Elementary 58 59 6 Riviera Elementary 74 69 5 Seaside Elementary 74 59 4 Torrance Elementary 38 33 28 Towers Elementary 65 64 0 Victor Elementary 66 62 25 Walteria Elementary 72 75 19 Wood Elementary 65 51 6 Yukon Elementary 43 38 11


Valle Lindo Elementary


Name Read Math District 34 41 Shively Middle 34 41

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 41 37 28 Shively Middle 41 37 27


Walnut Valley Unified


Name Read Math District 57 58 Castle Rock Elementary 51 53 Collegewood Elementary 57 59 Cyrus J. Morris Elementary 46 42 Evergreen Elementary 64 65 Maple Hill Elementary 58 60 Quail Summit Elementary 61 64 Vejar Elementary 61 60 Walnut Elementary 47 51 Westhoff Elementary 65 69

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 63 63 4 Castle Rock Elementary 55 60 10 Collegewood Elementary 65 59 4 Cyrus J. Morris Elementary 49 48 4 Evergreen Elementary 70 70 4 Maple Hill Elementary 62 70 2 Quail Summit Elementary 67 70 0 Vejar Elementary 61 63 3 Walnut Elementary 62 54 1 Westhoff Elementary 73 70 3


West Covina Unified


Name Read Math District 36 41 California Elementary 31 36 Cameron Elementary 39 44 Merced Elementary 42 54 Merlinda Elementary 24 23 Monte Vista Elementary 34 30 Orangewood Elementary 38 47 Vine Elementary 42 56 Wescove Elementary 38 47


Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 44 39 17 California Elementary 32 39 18 Cameron Elementary 48 45 10 Merced Elementary 56 42 20 Merlinda Elementary 32 29 27 Monte Vista Elementary 38 35 28 Orangewood Elementary 42 34 12 Vine Elementary 54 45 0 Wescove Elementary 45 43 17


Westside Union Elementary


Name Read Math District 50 40 Cottonwood Elementary 52 40 Del Sur Senior Elementary 47 38 Leona Valley Elementary 58 34 Neenach Elementary 38 32 Quartz Hill Elementary 47 31 Rancho Vista Elementary 58 55 Sundown Elementary 44 43 Valley View Elementary 47 34

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 51 45 2 Cottonwood Elementary 61 52 1 Del Sur Senior Elementary 32 42 5 Leona Valley Elementary 50 35 0 Neenach Elementary 40 33 24 Quartz Hill Elementary 44 42 3 Rancho Vista Elementary 63 53 0 Sundown Elementary 45 45 4 Valley View Elementary 44 35 0


Whittier City Elementary


Name Read Math District 26 25 Andrews N.W. Elementary 41 44 Jackson Elementary 17 15 Lincoln Elementary 24 34 Longfellow Elementary 23 16 Mill Elementary 28 21 Orange Grove Elementary 30 20 Sorensen Elementary 26 26 Washington Elementary 24 24 West Whittier Elementary 23 28

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 33 21 32 Andrews N.W. Elementary 52 36 15 Jackson Elementary 21 13 36 Lincoln Elementary 38 24 34 Longfellow Elementary 26 16 45 Mill Elementary 34 26 23 Orange Grove Elementary 35 20 20 Sorensen Elementary 28 21 23 Washington Elementary 30 19 40 West Whittier Elementary 31 19 54


Wilsona Elementary


Name Read Math District 38 35 Vista San Gabriel Elementary 29 34 Wilsona Elementary 45 37

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 40 35 19 Vista San Gabriel Elementary 39 31 14 Wilsona Elementary 41 38 20



Wiseburn Elementary


Name Read Math District 52 50 Anza Elementary 61 59 Peter Burnett Elementary 46 43

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 50 48 10 Anza Elementary 57 52 6 Peter Burnett Elementary 45 46 12





Name Read Math Statewide 44 45

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested Statewide 47 36 16


Los Angeles County


Name Read Math County 37 39

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested County 40 31 24


ABC Unified


Name Read Math District 51 61 ABC Secondary * * Carmenita Junior High 65 81 Fedde Junior High 24 25 Haskell Junior High 42 42 Ross Junior High 40 44 Tetzlaff Junior High 49 64 Whitney High 89 96

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 56 46 15 ABC Secondary * * 0 Carmenita Junior High 76 65 6 Fedde Junior High 26 20 32 Haskell Junior High 44 32 7 Ross Junior High 41 31 28 Tetzlaff Junior High 57 47 11 Whitney High 91 89 0


Acton-Agua Dulce Unified


Name Read Math District 60 53 High Desert 60 53

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 65 46 2 High Desert 65 46 2


Alhambra City Elementary


Name Read Math District 47 58 Baldwin Elementary/Middle 45 64 Brightwood Elementary 61 69 Emery Park Elementary 40 60 Fremont Elementary 49 47 Garfield Elementary 39 54 Granada Elementary 54 54 Marguerita Elementary 42 46 Monterey Highlands Elementary 59 74 Northrup Elementary/Middle 32 47 Park Elementary 41 47 Ramona Elementary 45 60 Repetto Elementary 57 66 Ynez Elementary/Middle 46 62

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 55 46 29 Baldwin Elementary/Middle 56 45 36 Brightwood Elementary 73 62 18 Emery Park Elementary 44 38 25 Fremont Elementary 58 50 24 Garfield Elementary 49 37 0 Granada Elementary 59 46 21 Marguerita Elementary 50 49 32 Monterey Highlands Elementary 62 52 22 Northrup Elementary/Middle 35 36 48 Park Elementary 48 41 38 Ramona Elementary 61 45 35 Repetto Elementary 63 54 30 Ynez Elementary/Middle 55 49 41


Arcadia Unified


Name Read Math District 65 82 Dana Middle 65 84 Foothills Middle 70 81 Rancho High * * First Avenue Middle 60 81


Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 72 58 15 Dana Middle 69 58 12 Foothills Middle 77 62 14 Rancho High * * 0 First Avenue Middle 70 52 19


Azusa Unified


Name Read Math District 27 30 Center Middle 29 34 Foothill Middle 29 31 Slauson Middle 25 27

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 25 23 36 Center Middle 24 23 33 Foothill Middle 29 24 36 Slauson Middle 23 21 38


Baldwin Park Unified


Name Read Math District 31 32 Baldwin Park Community Day * * Holland Middle 29 25 Jones Junior High 30 32 Olive Middle 31 37 Santa Fe Elementary 45 40 Sierra Vista Junior High 30 30

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 35 27 10 Baldwin Park Community Day * 0 Holland Middle 29 23 14 Jones Junior High 35 26 7 Olive Middle 34 31 7 Santa Fe Elementary 50 38 2 Sierra Vista Junior High 34 24 14


Bassett Unified


Name Read Math District 24 31 Edgewood Academy 30 43 Erwin Elementary 30 30 Sunkist Elementary 30 43 Torch Middle 19 24 VanWig Elementary 26 31


Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 24 20 27 Edgewood Academy 26 25 8 Erwin Elementary 31 20 6 Sunkist Elementary 33 26 21 Torch Middle 22 18 40 VanWig Elementary 19 19 15


Bellflower Unified


Name Read Math District 31 33 Bellflower Alternative * * Bellflower High 27 29 Mayfair High 36 39

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 34 26 13 Bellflower Alternative * * 13 Bellflower High 26 26 20 Mayfair High 46 26 6


Beverly Hills Unified


Name Read Math District 71 80 Beverly Vista Elementary 76 80 El Rodeo Elementary 69 78 Hawthorne Elementary 74 81 Horace Mann Elementary 65 78

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 81 59 7 Beverly Vista Elementary 89 66 13 El Rodeo Elementary 74 53 0 Hawthorne Elementary 81 62 3 Horace Mann Elementary 78 56 12


Bonita Unified


Name Read Math District 51 53 Joan Macy * Lone Hill Middle 50 51 Ramona Middle 53 56 Vista K-12 * *


Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 54 41 2 Joan Macy 0 Lone Hill Middle 50 38 3 Ramona Middle 59 44 2 Vista K-12 * * 0


Burbank Unified


Name Read Math District 48 47 Jordan Middle 47 50 Luther Burbank Middle 49 43 Muir Middle 47 49

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 53 39 19 Jordan Middle 52 39 12 Luther Burbank Middle 57 41 30 Muir Middle 52 39 17


Castaic Union Elementary


Name Read Math District 50 49 Castaic Middle 50 49

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 53 42 10 Castaic Middle 53 42 10


Charter Oak Unified


Name Read Math District 53 49 Bridges Community * * Oak Knoll Alternative * * Royal Oak Intermediate 53 49

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 54 40 8 Bridges Community * * 0 Oak Knoll Alternative * * 0 Royal Oak Intermediate 54 40 8


Claremont Unified


Name Read Math District 61 68 El Roble Intermediate 61 68

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 66 50 5 El Roble Intermediate 66 50 5


Compton Unified


Name Read Math District 21 22 Bunche Middle 17 21 Community Day Middle * * Davis Middle 20 18 Enterprise Middle 29 23 Roosevelt Middle 18 22 Vanguard Learning Center 24 22 Walton Middle 23 21 Whaley Middle 20 24 Willowbrook Middle 26 27


Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 22 22 9 Bunche Middle 20 17 0 Community Day Middle * * 0 Davis Middle 20 22 7 Enterprise Middle 31 28 1 Roosevelt Middle 20 17 50 Vanguard Learning Center 27 29 0 Walton Middle 19 18 0 Whaley Middle 19 20 0 Willowbrook Middle 31 30 3


Covina-Valley Unified


Name Read Math District 47 49 Las Palmas Intermediate 42 46 Ranger High * * Sierra Vista Intermediate 52 51 Traweek Intermediate 46 49

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 46 37 8 Las Palmas Intermediate 42 33 8 Ranger High * * 0 Sierra Vista Intermediate 51 41 7 Traweek Intermediate 44 37 10


Culver City Unified


Name Read Math District 47 41 Culver City Indep. Study * * Culver City Middle 48 42

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 48 37 14 Culver City Independent Study * * 0 Culver City Middle 48 37 14


Downey Unified


Name Read Math District 47 45 East Middle 51 42 Griffiths Middle 54 52 South Middle 43 41 West Middle 42 45

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 54 42 18 East Middle 60 45 16 Griffiths Middle 63 45 16 South Middle 43 37 20 West Middle 51 41 21



Duarte Unified


Name Read Math District 32 33 Northview Intermediate 33 34

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 34 27 0 Northview Intermediate 35 28 0


East Whittier City Elementary


Name Read Math District 41 45 East Whittier Middle 35 42 Granada Middle 53 55 Hillview Middle 38 37

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 43 32 18 East Whittier Middle 35 28 29 Granada Middle 52 40 11 Hillview Middle 43 31 14


Eastside Union Elementary


Name Read Math District 49 41 Gifford C. Cole Middle 49 41

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 52 40 16 Gifford C. Cole Middle 52 40 16


El Monte City Elementary


Name Read Math District 33 35 Columbia Elementary 27 29 Durfee Elementary 37 40 Gidley Elementary 34 32 New Beginnings Alternate * * Potrero Elementary 28 29 Rio Hondo Elementary 44 46 Tri-District Alternate * * Wright Elementary 32 40

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 39 29 54 Columbia Elementary 35 27 66 Durfee Elementary 38 31 41 Gidley Elementary 40 28 56 New Beginnings Alternate * * 43 Potrero Elementary 37 20 72 Rio Hondo Elementary 51 37 29 Tri-District Alternate * * 40 Wright Elementary 41 32 54


El Rancho Unified


Name Read Math District 29 28 Burke Middle 33 32 North Park Middle 24 24 Rivera Middle 32 28

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 31 29 36 Burke Middle 34 33 36 North Park Middle 30 29 42 Rivera Middle 30 26 30



El Segundo Unified


Name Read Math District 62 59 El Segundo Middle 62 59

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 60 42 0 El Segundo Middle 60 42 0


Garvey Elementary


Name Read Math District 40 49 Garvey Intermediate 40 51 Logsdon * * Temple Intermediate 41 46

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 45 38 29 Garvey Intermediate 45 38 31 Logsdon * * 0 Temple Intermediate 44 38 26


Glendale Unified


Name Read Math District 47 57 Jewel City School * * Roosevelt Middle 30 45 Rosemont Middle 67 71 Toll Middle 43 58 Wilson Middle 46 54

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 55 41 37 Jewel City School * * 67 Roosevelt Middle 39 28 64 Rosemont Middle 72 57 12 Toll Middle 54 39 42 Wilson Middle 52 39 31


Glendora Unified


Name Read Math District 59 58 Goddard Middle 63 64 Sandburg Middle 56 52

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 59 48 3 Goddard Middle 63 50 2 Sandburg Middle 56 46 4


Gorman Elementary


Name Read Math District 62 41 Gorman Middle 62 41

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 55 57 0 Gorman Middle 55 57 0


Hacienda La Puente Unified


Name Read Math District 37 43 Cedarlane Middle 42 45 Fairgrove Academy 47 29 Grandview Elementary 28 29 Mesa Robles Elementary 68 85 Newton Middle 41 59 Orange Grove Middle 46 53 Puente Hills High * * Sierra Vista Middle 24 23 Sparks Middle 28 27


Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 39 32 17 Cedarlane Middle 42 39 4 Fairgrove Academy 43 37 0 Grandview Elementary 28 24 23 Mesa Robles Elementary 77 63 6 Newton Middle 41 38 18 Orange Grove Middle 49 37 13 Puente Hills High * * 0 Sierra Vista Middle 24 19 15 Sparks Middle 30 24 29


Hawthorne Elementary


Name Read Math District 27 29 Hawthorne Intermediate 31 34 Yukon Intermediate 22 23

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 29 25 34 Hawthorne Intermediate 33 27 33 Yukon Intermediate 25 23 35


Hermosa Beach City Elementary


Name Read Math District 73 70 Hermosa Valley Elementary 73 70

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 68 49 1 Hermosa Valley Elementary 68 49 1


Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Union Elementary


Name Read Math District 61 46 Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Elem. 61 46

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 53 43 0 Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Elem. 53 43 0


Inglewood Unified


Name Read Math District 30 28 Crozier Middle 24 28 La Tijera Elementary 38 32 Lane Elementary 31 23 Monroe Middle 30 26 Parent Elementary 45 34

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 33 30 5 Crozier Middle 27 22 0 La Tijera Elementary 39 35 20 Lane Elementary 32 35 0 Monroe Middle 34 30 6 Parent Elementary 42 45 0


Keppel Union Elementary


Name Read Math District 36 30 Lake Los Angeles Elementary 36 30

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 36 29 3 Lake Los Angeles Elementary 36 29 3


La Canada Unified


Name Read Math District 79 83 La Canada High 79 83

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 84 71 2 La Canada High 84 71 2


Lancaster Elementary


Name Read Math District 41 33 Lancaster Discovery & Achvmt 37 28 New Vista Middle 47 39 Park View Intermediate 42 32 Piute Intermediate 35 30

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 41 34 7 Lancaster Discovery & Achvmt 26 33 0 New Vista Middle 45 36 6 Park View Intermediate 43 35 4 Piute Intermediate 32 28 17



Las Virgenes Unified


Name Read Math District 73 77 Lindero Canyon Middle 76 76 Wright Middle 71 77

Name Lang. Spell % LEP Tested District 78 62 4 Lindero Canyon Middle 79 64 1 Wright Middle 77 61 5


Lawndale E
