
California Report Card

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In California, 4.1 million public school students in grades two through 11 took the Stanford 9 standardized tests this year. All of them were tested in reading, writing and math. Students through grade eight also took a spelling test and students in higher grades took exams in social studies and science.

On Tuesday, the state Department of Education released scores for each grade of each of California’s 8,000 public schools. Here are the scores for each school in Orange County.

Readers who want to know how a school is doing can use these scores as a gauge. But keep in mind that these are results for individual grades only--not the entire school. Scores vary some from grade to grade, even at the same school.


To find your school’s scores:

* Look first for your school district. Individual schools are listed below.

* The scores appear by grade below your school’s name. The columns report testing data for the various subjects. Use the guide at the top of each column of numbers to determine which category the score is in.

* For each test, the chart shows the percentile rank achieved by students in each school.

* The chart also has a category labeled % LEP. That shows the percentage of the students taking the reading test at the school who were classified as “limited English proficient.” Schools with a higher percentage of such students will tend to have lower scores in part because these students may have had difficulty understanding the questions, which were all in English.

Note: * (an asterisk) means the number of students tested was 10 or fewer.


Even among experts, there is no one view on what a percentile rank tells about school performance. But a 50 means that, taken together, the school’s students were right at the national average when measured against a sample of their peers across the country--even though some students at the school may be doing quite well and others poorly.


A percentile rank of 25 or less suggests that many of the students are doing poorly when measured against the national sample. A rank of 75 or above shows that a high percentage of students are doing well. Some schools’ scores appear abnormally high, which may be because an unusually small number of children took the test.

Comparing the individual scores sent to your home with those of the school will help you gauge where your child ranks against classmates.


Some schools’ scores may not be all they seem. Some schools and school districts encouraged parents to sign waiver forms enabling their children to skip the test--particularly students with limited English skills. The number not taking the test varies from school to school. If a lot of students who would be expected to score low skipped the test, a school’s scores would be skewed upward.


Main story, B1


Additional information and scores for schools outside Orange County can be found at the state Department of Education’s Web site, at

Contributing to The Times’ schools score coverage:

* Contributing Editors: David Lauter, Paul Lieberman, Karen Klein

* News Editors: Tracy Boucher, Kymberly G. Dryer

* Technical assistance: Victor I. Pulver, Doug Smith, Richard O’Reilly, Sandra Poindexter, Rosemary McClure and Jim Carr.



% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 39 43 40 38 27 3 36 42 39 38 26 4 40 39 44 36 24 5 40 41 44 38 22 6 43 48 47 40 20 7 41 45 49 42 18 8 44 45 47 36 16



Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 34 50 47 43 42 14 10 32 43 36 44 38 12 11 37 46 43 44 54 11


Orange County


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 45 51 48 44 35 3 42 50 45 43 33 4 46 48 51 44 30 5 46 50 52 44 27 6 51 59 55 49 25 7 48 55 57 48 24 8 50 55 54 41 23



Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 38 57 53 48 47 18 10 37 52 43 50 44 17 11 43 56 50 51 61 15



Anaheim City

* District average

Students tested: 13,685


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 27 34 29 29 62 3 24 32 28 31 61 4 28 33 38 29 53 5 27 32 38 29 45 6 34 44 42 35 38


* Barton Elementary

Students tested: 680


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 44 52 50 47 44 3 45 61 55 46 37 4 42 41 49 43 31 5 35 41 47 36 29 6 51 58 58 55 20


* Edison Elementary

Students tested: 681


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 16 24 15 18 64 3 17 21 21 26 72 4 23 24 36 23 66 5 18 18 29 18 46 6 17 27 34 20 56


* Franklin Elementary

Students tested: 585


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 14 20 13 19 56 3 14 19 13 20 64 4 13 19 21 14 58 5 21 20 27 18 58 6 26 37 33 29 42


* Gauer Elementary

Students tested: 501


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 31 32 30 39 61 3 33 44 39 43 57 4 31 38 40 29 56 5 29 33 32 30 45 6 46 61 52 46 33


* Guinn Elementary

Students tested: 515


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 28 27 26 32 60 3 33 38 35 34 49 4 32 34 36 29 44 5 25 34 34 29 49 6 29 37 30 30 32



* Henry Elementary

Students tested: 684


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 22 29 17 26 68 3 21 36 24 26 75 4 21 28 34 25 53 5 23 35 38 25 49 6 30 42 43 28 27


* Jefferson Elementary

Students tested: 669


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 15 20 16 17 74 3 13 18 15 22 78 4 13 19 22 16 70 5 14 15 18 21 64 6 19 20 25 25 51


* Jefferson II Elementary

Students tested: 547


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 32 54 39 31 71 3 23 47 33 31 65 4 45 64 63 39 64 5 28 47 55 35 36 6 35 47 54 37 26


* Juarez Elementary

Students tested: 620


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 42 45 37 40 50 3 37 45 47 45 41 4 48 49 53 44 41 5 45 48 54 47 28 6 58 65 63 48 25


* Key Elementary

Students tested: 370


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 22 38 24 26 78 3 19 27 19 26 57 4 19 26 29 17 68 5 23 27 33 22 53 6 22 23 28 19 42


* Lincoln Elementary

Students tested: 685


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 17 26 19 18 86 3 18 27 18 23 88 4 16 25 29 16 76 5 16 23 26 16 72 6 26 37 35 30 50



* Loara Elementary

Students tested: 663


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 34 33 30 36 44 3 35 44 38 41 32 4 37 38 41 39 39 5 33 38 44 33 28 6 40 47 44 42 25


* Madison Elementary

Students tested: 543


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 32 42 40 34 43 3 27 31 30 36 58 4 38 37 44 43 41 5 41 39 54 47 23 6 50 61 59 57 31


* Mann Elementary

Students tested: 599


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 16 23 15 20 64 3 18 22 21 22 73 4 18 20 29 19 73 5 29 31 39 31 53 6 30 43 37 33 47


* Marshall Elementary

Students tested: 836


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 44 50 54 45 54 3 27 32 33 40 50 4 44 47 55 49 38 5 40 46 55 36 38 6 41 50 51 39 29


* Palm Lane Elementary

Students tested: 707


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 15 23 13 17 86 3 14 21 18 20 88 4 16 21 26 13 58 5 14 18 25 20 65 6 20 26 25 18 64


* Price Elementary

Students tested: 704


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 32 37 34 33 58 3 25 34 31 35 58 4 31 38 43 31 41 5 27 27 40 30 41 6 26 37 38 37 27



* Revere Elementary

Students tested: 709


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 16 23 21 16 73 3 11 15 13 19 80 4 11 13 17 11 78 5 12 15 17 15 50 6 19 24 23 19 68


* Roosevelt Elementary

Students tested: 532


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 39 36 34 35 44 3 39 51 44 45 45 4 37 42 46 37 63 5 31 36 46 33 52 6 36 43 49 42 38


* Ross Elementary

Students tested: 469


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 28 28 23 27 73 3 18 23 19 26 57 4 21 27 33 23 51 5 24 29 33 23 49 6 36 37 40 32 47


* Stoddard Elementary

Students tested: 699


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 48 52 54 46 54 3 41 46 44 42 43 4 47 43 50 50 43 5 46 47 55 47 28 6 48 65 54 43 39


* Sunkist Elementary

Students tested: 684


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 33 55 49 31 56 3 33 43 32 38 56 4 36 40 43 33 36 5 35 43 45 35 35 6 46 55 50 49 26


Anaheim Union High

* District average

Students tested: 23,307


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 34 41 41 34 29 8 37 44 40 31 33



Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 28 46 42 38 37 20 10 26 42 32 40 34 19 11 31 44 38 40 50 16



* Anaheim High

Students tested: 1,907


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 16 31 32 26 27 27 10 13 25 19 24 20 30 11 19 31 28 24 34 22


* Ball Junior High

Students tested: 1,207


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 31 39 39 34 35 8 37 46 40 30 41


* Brookhurst Junior High

Students tested: 1,170


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 36 45 42 38 23 8 37 42 37 32 26


* Cypress High

Students tested: 1,547


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 46 66 56 52 47 4 10 45 61 52 57 49 5 11 49 64 52 58 67 5


* Dale Junior High

Students tested: 1,138


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 28 36 36 30 35 8 30 37 34 26 36


* Gilbert High

Students tested: 738


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 16 23 25 26 26 35 10 14 18 15 26 20 30 11 16 20 20 24 30 29


* Katella High

Students tested: 1,697


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 28 44 42 36 38 24 10 26 44 31 37 37 27 11 31 48 38 41 54 25


* Kennedy High

Students tested: 1,550


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 42 66 56 47 47 7 10 40 62 47 52 50 5 11 36 58 47 46 60 4


* Lexington Junior High

Students tested: 1,085


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 60 60 62 54 5 8 62 62 61 51 6


* Loara High

Students tested: 1,640


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 28 48 43 38 36 30 10 28 41 33 43 34 26 11 35 47 42 43 54 25



* Magnolia High

Students tested: 1,300


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 21 36 37 35 32 17 10 19 36 27 39 27 21 11 27 39 36 37 47 8


* Orangeview Junior High

Students tested: 978


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 35 37 42 35 22 8 38 41 40 30 24


* Polaris Continuation High

Students tested: 514


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 18 22 21 27 27 8 28 23 24 19 13



Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 13 23 23 24 23 44 10 18 23 19 30 25 30 11 26 25 30 33 40 30


* Savanna High

Students tested: 1,434


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 30 52 44 43 41 8 10 27 43 34 42 33 11 11 34 43 39 42 50 9


* South Junior High

Students tested: 1,440


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 28 37 34 28 44 8 33 42 35 26 44


* Sycamore Junior High

Students tested: 1,270


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 19 26 24 18 47 8 23 30 26 18 61


* Walker Junior High

Students tested: 1,081


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 44 58 60 51 14 8 45 58 56 42 18


* Western High

Students tested: 1,224


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 25 46 46 37 39 18 10 23 40 35 37 39 11 11 27 39 40 40 53 13


Brea Olinda Unified

* District average

Students tested: 4,631


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 69 67 73 62 14 3 65 68 67 57 9 4 64 69 68 61 9 5 65 73 68 58 8 6 67 73 73 61 7 7 67 66 74 63 8 8 65 66 65 49 9



Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 48 72 60 58 56 10 10 52 67 56 63 59 8 11 50 70 56 60 68 9



* Arovista Elementary

Students tested: 447


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 58 57 65 48 11 3 66 66 65 54 14 4 55 60 59 47 14 5 54 63 57 47 17 6 59 67 69 57 10


* Brea Canyon High

Students tested: 61


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 * * * * * 20 10 31 37 22 36 32 3 11 23 23 25 27 34 0


* Brea Country Hills Elementary

Students tested: 411


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 73 73 78 61 6 3 72 78 74 58 8 4 74 76 74 76 4 5 77 82 81 72 5 6 80 86 84 72 1


* Brea Junior High

Students tested: 943


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 67 66 74 63 8 8 65 66 65 49 9


* Brea Olinda High

Students tested: 1,419


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 48 73 60 58 56 10 10 54 69 58 65 60 9 11 52 73 58 63 70 10


* William E. Fanning Elementary

Students tested: 421


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 74 70 73 65 23 3 64 53 66 57 2 4 61 66 62 60 4 5 59 68 65 50 7 6 68 70 72 60 3


* Laurel Elementary

Students tested: 325


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 64 58 65 63 36 3 48 54 52 46 32 4 40 54 53 41 30 5 48 65 56 46 17 6 51 63 57 40 30



* Mariposa Elementary

Students tested: 438


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 69 71 75 70 0 3 65 78 70 70 0 4 79 81 80 73 0 5 68 72 70 61 0 6 66 73 75 67 0


* Olinda Elementary

Students tested: 145


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 82 81 89 74 0 3 71 83 72 57 0 4 69 77 76 63 7 5 90 93 85 84 0 6 79 82 79 67 0


* Valley View High

Students tested: 21


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 11 47 42 57 51 51 0


Buena Park

* District average

Students tested: 4,042


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 33 35 35 35 36 3 26 30 32 32 31 4 32 28 39 32 28 5 32 34 39 34 27 6 37 44 46 38 22 7 27 34 37 33 26 8 34 40 41 34 19


* Beatty Elementary

Students tested: 800


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 40 50 49 39 36 3 27 35 33 36 32 4 32 27 35 28 30 5 34 41 39 33 29 6 41 46 49 40 16


* Buena Park Junior High

Students tested: 879


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 27 34 37 33 26 8 34 40 41 34 19


* Corey Elementary

Students tested: 449


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 43 45 47 52 8 3 39 40 44 47 9 4 39 37 49 51 6 5 46 47 54 54 5 6 58 72 67 66 2


* Emery Elementary

Students tested: 450


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 35 39 37 38 36 3 32 34 40 35 37 4 55 53 65 51 19 5 48 48 56 43 25 6 49 59 59 46 29



* Gilbert Elementary

Students tested: 642


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 26 22 24 27 44 3 18 20 26 24 49 4 20 16 30 20 40 5 20 18 29 22 41 6 23 25 32 26 38


* Pendleton Elementary

Students tested: 310


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 35 38 30 33 24 3 27 28 30 33 9 4 32 24 41 32 9 5 29 29 32 36 4 6 38 37 44 39 3


* Whitaker Elementary

Students tested: 512


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 25 21 21 28 57 3 19 24 25 20 33 4 27 26 31 27 42 5 24 25 29 26 44 6 26 34 31 25 36


Capistrano Unified

* District average

Students tested: 30,142


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 60 65 67 56 17 3 59 62 60 54 13 4 63 59 63 57 13 5 62 61 61 53 10 6 64 71 61 59 10 7 63 65 67 62 8 8 65 66 66 50 9



Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 58 71 68 65 59 6 10 57 66 60 66 59 4 11 62 69 65 66 74 4


* Aliso Niguel High

Students tested: 1,752


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 60 75 70 67 61 4 10 59 69 64 68 57 4 11 66 75 68 67 77 4



* Aliso Viejo Middle

Students tested: 1,331


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 6 64 73 61 63 8 7 67 64 71 69 6 8 67 67 66 54 5


* Ambuehl Elementary

Students tested: 560


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 64 66 75 59 11 3 62 60 63 55 8 4 71 59 65 64 6 5 68 60 67 60 4


* Arroyo Vista Elementary

Students tested: 574


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 66 71 81 67 5 3 60 61 66 60 1 4 66 68 76 69 4 5 58 63 69 59 2


* Barcelona Hills Elementary

Students tested: 429


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 66 73 73 63 5 3 66 74 69 61 7 4 70 67 67 63 8 5 69 78 71 57 2 6 68 73 68 60 1


* Bathgate Elementary

Students tested: 526


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 73 76 77 67 6 3 65 71 69 62 7 4 71 70 75 73 9 5 69 77 65 60 5


* Benedict Elementary

Students tested: 601


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 61 69 68 59 0 3 70 75 62 57 2 4 72 78 66 65 2 5 68 74 63 56 0 6 71 77 72 63 0


* Bergeson Elementary

Students tested: 539


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 67 74 79 63 12 3 66 65 67 64 6 4 65 63 65 59 5 5 68 75 70 60 5



* Capistrano Valley High

Students tested: 2,213


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 56 71 68 64 59 4 10 55 65 59 63 58 5 11 59 68 65 63 73 4


* Castille Elementary

Students tested: 563


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 68 79 77 63 3 3 64 60 68 60 2 4 74 66 74 68 3 5 73 71 69 61 1


* Concordia Elementary

Students tested: 529


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 61 67 71 50 19 3 70 78 75 60 9 4 70 65 67 63 12 5 67 67 71 51 8 6 76 77 71 69 3


* Crown Valley Elementary

Students tested: 444


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 67 70 77 59 7 3 65 60 65 56 10 4 64 54 67 53 5 5 55 65 57 52 6


* Dana Elementary

Students tested: 483


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 25 35 28 26 59 3 35 40 34 35 47 4 39 41 46 28 44 5 45 42 42 34 39 6 59 60 56 51 34


* Dana Hills High

Students tested: 1,963


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 62 71 70 66 59 9 10 61 70 63 70 61 4 11 66 70 65 70 75 6



* Del Obispo Elementary

Students tested: 546


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 58 51 56 45 17 3 52 66 51 48 16 4 59 54 57 53 15 5 61 56 54 51 13


* Forster Middle

Students tested: 1,473


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 6 50 51 45 42 25 7 48 49 54 47 25 8 55 52 53 41 22


* Foxborough Elementary

Students tested: 304


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 64 71 75 65 14 3 67 69 67 59 6 4 71 55 65 60 9 5 73 76 70 70 15


* Hankey Elementary

Students tested: 391


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 73 75 79 74 13 3 64 67 67 57 5 4 63 60 67 70 8 5 65 67 67 63 6


* Hanson Elementary

Students tested: 462


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 44 42 46 49 12 3 57 63 63 50 9 4 59 51 61 56 6 5 57 55 56 47 8 6 63 70 59 55 5


* Hidden Hills Elementary

Students tested: 495


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 55 70 69 49 18 3 56 56 54 49 12 4 65 60 62 57 12 5 63 73 66 54 8



* Las Flores Middle

Students tested: 864


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 6 69 77 64 67 3 7 68 69 72 69 2 8 69 69 71 56 1


* Las Palmas Elementary

Students tested: 409


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 30 34 26 24 67 3 24 30 24 23 74 4 24 28 33 15 59 5 19 21 18 16 67 6 27 29 31 19 66


* Lobo Elementary

Students tested: 564


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 51 58 67 47 3 3 63 64 60 55 3 4 70 61 64 64 3 5 65 65 56 52 6 6 63 68 59 53 3


* Malcom Elementary

Students tested: 618


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 74 82 83 70 6 3 67 65 67 57 5 4 70 65 69 64 7 5 74 71 71 63 1


* Moulton Elementary

Students tested: 626


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 69 71 75 68 8 3 71 76 71 69 9 4 76 70 72 67 10 5 70 67 66 63 5


* Newhart Middle

Students tested: 1,599


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 5 67 69 65 57 4 6 66 74 65 64 4 7 68 70 71 65 3 8 70 74 72 54 4


* Niguel Hills Middle

Students tested: 1,681


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 6 69 80 66 62 4 7 70 76 72 70 2 8 67 72 69 55 7


* Oak Grove Elementary

Students tested: 540


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 54 63 61 52 15 3 59 63 60 58 9 4 62 61 66 60 9 5 65 58 60 50 10



* Palisades Elementary

Students tested: 669


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 52 51 63 49 19 3 51 51 54 44 14 4 49 49 55 46 14 5 64 58 64 55 6 6 70 68 68 54 9


* Reilly Elementary/Special

Students tested: 524


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 63 65 74 64 5 3 67 70 69 67 5 4 75 73 72 72 3 5 63 55 66 58 1


* San Clemente High

Students tested: 1,824


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 55 68 63 63 60 7 10 54 64 56 65 59 5 11 59 64 61 66 73 4


* San Juan Elementary

Students tested: 644


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 17 23 15 18 92 3 14 19 13 20 83 4 13 16 21 12 75 5 16 16 21 16 71


* Serra Continuation High

Students tested: 63


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 6 * * * * 0 7 * * * * 0 8 * * * * 0



Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 24 * * * 38 0 10 39 38 42 37 41 0 11 39 34 47 51 57 0


* Shorecliffs Middle

Students tested: 1,198


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 59 61 63 54 10 8 65 63 64 45 9


* Viejo Elementary

Students tested: 426


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 60 64 65 56 12 3 57 49 54 48 11 4 55 48 62 58 13 5 43 45 48 39 10



* Wagon Wheel Elementary

Students tested: 552


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 70 73 72 69 4 3 63 61 68 57 1 4 69 67 62 63 2 5 71 64 71 61 2


* White Elementary

Students tested: 617


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 70 79 77 66 7 3 70 75 75 62 5 4 69 64 69 64 2 5 69 67 68 63 1


* Wood Canyon Elementary

Students tested: 546


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 59 59 61 58 13 3 51 58 48 50 10 4 62 53 61 57 10 5 60 55 53 53 9



* District average

Students tested: 3,534


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 47 49 49 49 18 3 43 50 49 50 18 4 44 47 51 46 22 5 45 47 55 50 21 6 53 59 57 54 16


* Buena Terra Elementary

Students tested: 369


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 53 61 60 57 6 3 46 53 49 49 8 4 51 59 63 50 7 5 48 43 58 56 11 6 58 59 55 59 5


* Centralia Elementary

Students tested: 477


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 34 26 39 31 32 3 30 42 32 32 28 4 27 31 34 24 41 5 20 21 35 25 38 6 34 33 44 34 26



* Danbrook Elementary

Students tested: 430


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 28 30 27 33 40 3 26 23 28 40 25 4 20 19 28 20 42 5 33 26 41 34 40 6 33 35 37 33 40


* Dysinger Elementary

Students tested: 397


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 48 38 42 46 11 3 41 49 49 49 5 4 50 49 57 48 9 5 50 48 57 57 11 6 54 68 63 59 4


* Knott Elementary

Students tested: 439


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 49 58 51 48 7 3 58 67 60 61 13 4 54 65 53 54 15 5 56 62 65 59 16 6 57 53 58 59 10


* Los Coyotes Elementary

Students tested: 387


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 65 70 67 67 4 3 61 76 66 69 6 4 64 68 71 73 9 5 66 72 71 69 6 6 74 85 78 77 7


* Miller Elementary

Students tested: 387


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 55 60 57 59 23 3 50 49 58 65 25 4 54 52 57 58 26 5 44 63 57 52 23 6 58 64 62 57 18


* San Marino Elementary

Students tested: 378


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 48 52 55 50 21 3 42 48 46 47 23 4 42 39 51 48 23 5 44 41 54 56 16 6 54 61 49 48 15



* Temple Elementary

Students tested: 260


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 54 64 57 54 6 3 51 52 56 48 19 4 44 46 54 46 27 5 47 47 56 46 22 6 44 59 54 46 24



* District average

Students tested: 3,308


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 67 67 70 68 11 3 57 65 63 58 12 4 56 59 62 57 11 5 58 65 66 57 7 6 64 72 67 60 5


* Arnold Elementary

Students tested: 453


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 63 68 74 66 16 3 54 59 63 58 13 4 57 55 68 54 10 5 53 64 70 61 7 6 67 79 72 61 3


* Cawthon Elementary

Students tested: 309


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 77 71 76 75 7 3 65 71 70 61 7 4 56 65 63 59 13 5 76 84 81 68 5 6 71 81 71 61 3


* Damron Elementary

Students tested: 311


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 77 74 72 66 5 3 53 62 54 42 12 4 54 48 50 50 3 5 59 58 62 54 7 6 55 59 58 55 5


* Dickerson Elementary

Students tested: 273


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 64 72 58 61 8 3 59 68 68 66 6 4 55 56 62 55 16 5 56 65 63 45 9 6 62 64 68 58 6



* King Elementary

Students tested: 319


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 54 47 59 56 18 3 42 50 49 45 19 4 37 50 42 40 25 5 38 42 43 40 12 6 43 51 52 41 10


* Landell Elementary

Students tested: 402


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 75 74 85 77 1 3 68 74 69 61 6 4 74 71 75 74 5 5 70 75 75 60 1 6 64 78 65 68 2


* Luther Elementary

Students tested: 343


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 69 75 76 76 6 3 62 75 74 67 9 4 54 66 67 65 11 5 54 65 64 72 5 6 72 82 73 75 0


* Morris Elementary

Students tested: 318


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 69 60 71 77 20 3 62 67 66 66 11 4 59 60 64 65 17 5 62 63 67 58 7 6 64 74 63 60 5


* Swain Elementary

Students tested: 280


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 56 60 50 55 18 3 41 50 47 45 22 4 39 45 48 35 10 5 52 57 57 50 14 6 65 64 72 54 11


* Vessels Elementary

Students tested: 300


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 60 67 60 63 11 3 57 61 61 62 14 4 66 72 66 62 9 5 57 71 65 55 7 6 74 82 79 68 3



Fountain Valley

* District average

Students tested: 4,824


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 61 70 70 59 11 3 62 70 68 59 9 4 65 67 70 65 9 5 62 66 68 61 6 6 62 71 69 62 5 7 64 72 71 63 4 8 64 70 70 53 4


* Courreges Elementary

Students tested: 427


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 73 81 80 74 2 3 73 77 82 72 2 4 78 76 80 79 5 5 74 79 81 70 1


* Cox Elementary

Students tested: 478


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 62 77 77 58 21 3 59 71 66 61 16 4 60 63 65 62 15 5 61 68 70 64 16


* Fulton Middle

Students tested: 620


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 6 70 80 76 67 1 7 67 79 77 69 2 8 72 80 79 58 1


* Gisler Elementary

Students tested: 329


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 58 59 60 63 8 3 54 64 60 56 2 4 65 82 70 65 1 5 66 65 66 57 0


* Masuda Middle

Students tested: 723


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 6 60 68 65 59 13 7 66 73 73 63 6 8 65 70 71 54 9


* Moiola Elementary

Students tested: 423


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 65 63 63 56 8 3 69 83 77 64 9 4 67 68 76 75 11 5 61 65 70 65 5 6 61 80 69 56 2 7 65 67 79 67 4 8 60 60 73 54 0


* Newland Elementary

Students tested: 283


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 72 82 83 70 5 3 63 64 67 53 0 4 64 56 61 57 0 5 56 56 59 48 3



* Oka Elementary

Students tested: 381


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 51 60 64 46 16 3 52 57 58 42 19 4 53 53 64 50 17 5 51 57 63 58 1


* Plavan Elementary

Students tested: 231


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 49 75 59 49 9 3 71 80 76 65 6 4 55 58 63 57 3 5 67 72 72 66 6


* Talbert Middle

Students tested: 622


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 6 57 64 66 62 2 7 56 64 59 57 3 8 53 59 58 45 3


* Tamura Elementary

Students tested: 307


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 53 55 61 52 12 3 59 60 58 58 16 4 69 69 72 65 16 5 56 59 57 59 14



* District average

Students tested: 9,442


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 42 53 47 44 33 3 40 44 41 44 28 4 49 51 53 49 28 5 48 51 54 50 25 6 55 65 60 56 24 7 52 60 58 53 10 8 54 61 58 50 10


* Acacia Elementary

Students tested: 490


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 48 58 56 53 9 3 67 66 65 65 21 4 70 73 70 64 14 5 60 61 67 54 14 6 61 71 60 57 18


* Commonwealth Elementary

Students tested: 390


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 41 44 37 37 44 3 33 30 37 39 26 4 39 41 51 39 32 5 26 23 37 30 38 6 52 54 63 50 34



* Fern Drive Elementary

Students tested: 487


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 62 68 64 67 29 3 51 58 54 62 35 4 62 64 66 70 31 5 68 71 64 67 13 6 68 83 78 74 30


* Golden Hill Elementary

Students tested: 477


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 40 49 43 43 31 3 42 35 41 42 26 4 56 49 56 51 28 5 49 49 53 51 21 6 59 65 59 63 17


* Hermosa Drive Elementary

Students tested: 361


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 57 67 70 51 8 3 57 63 61 52 8 4 51 58 57 47 11 5 70 69 74 66 6 6 71 82 77 71 3


* Ladera Vista Junior High

Students tested: 757


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 47 49 50 43 16 8 57 56 57 50 21


* Laguna Road Elementary

Students tested: 476


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 77 87 83 78 10 3 71 84 79 77 17 4 82 88 83 87 18 5 76 80 77 79 8 6 84 91 82 85 6


* Nicolas Junior High

Students tested: 975


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 37 43 42 42 10 8 38 44 39 32 9


* Orangethorpe Elementary

Students tested: 593


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 32 43 40 33 28 3 27 28 28 31 26 4 45 49 48 41 24 5 45 43 53 50 19 6 53 57 53 46 19


* Pacific Drive Elementary

Students tested: 562


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 34 34 31 33 27 3 30 30 28 33 30 4 40 36 43 40 23 5 39 39 54 40 22 6 47 50 53 45 13



* Parks Junior High

Students tested: 827


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 71 83 80 74 4 8 67 80 75 67 0


* Prentice School

Students tested: 0


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 4 * * * * 0


* Raymond Elementary

Students tested: 447


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 51 71 50 47 32 3 40 48 36 44 35 4 44 47 45 41 18 5 39 49 40 33 29 6 55 58 53 47 20


* Richman Elementary

Students tested: 600


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 15 29 16 19 81 3 17 25 18 23 31 4 14 24 26 18 77 5 16 23 24 23 64 6 22 38 29 26 65


* Rolling Hills Elementary

Students tested: 420


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 59 66 62 56 9 3 51 53 48 53 2 4 62 55 57 59 0 5 61 66 61 64 14 6 65 68 68 57 16


* Rosier School

Students tested: 0


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 3 0 4 * * * * 0 5 * * * * 0 6 * * * * 0


* Sunset Lane Elementary

Students tested: 539


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 64 67 71 70 33 3 48 55 54 63 26 4 63 65 68 70 13 5 62 67 71 69 21 6 64 80 77 80 23


* Valencia Park Elementary

Students tested: 686


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 30 38 35 29 42 3 24 31 24 30 48 4 30 29 34 31 47 5 28 33 30 29 36 6 33 37 39 33 39


* Woodcrest Elementary

Students tested: 355


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 18 36 27 22 49 3 19 28 25 24 56 4 22 43 36 28 54 5 47 55 58 61 48 6 30 40 43 26 43



Fullerton Joint

Union High

* District average

Students tested: 8,680


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 42 62 58 51 52 13 10 39 59 48 54 46 19 11 43 57 52 50 61 15


* Buena Park High

Students tested: 1,379


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 22 39 36 35 33 11 10 20 39 28 37 28 21 11 24 37 34 32 47 21


* Fullerton High

Students tested: 1,233


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 30 47 44 41 41 17 10 27 43 35 37 35 22 11 33 42 43 38 50 25


* La Habra High

Students tested: 1,306


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 38 56 56 48 46 16 10 33 51 42 49 37 18 11 36 48 44 43 57 18


* La Vista High

Students tested: 142


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 * * * * * 0 10 8 16 10 20 14 0 11 21 19 23 23 22 0


* Sonora High

Students tested: 1,410


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 41 58 54 50 52 20 10 38 53 42 51 41 21 11 39 48 49 48 56 14



* Sunny Hills High

Students tested: 1,569


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 54 77 72 59 62 9 10 54 78 65 66 60 11 11 59 81 71 67 76 7


* Troy High

Students tested: 1,641


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 64 83 77 69 72 7 10 63 81 69 74 68 24 11 66 80 71 72 80 16


Garden Grove Unified

* District average

Students tested: 34,888


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 36 40 36 38 58 3 29 40 34 36 55 4 35 40 42 34 51 5 35 39 42 37 45 6 42 52 48 40 44 7 40 51 52 45 42 8 41 50 48 37 41



Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 28 54 49 41 39 39 10 26 47 34 42 34 36 11 30 49 41 40 51 32


* Alamitos Intermediate

Students tested: 909


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 39 55 51 49 34 8 41 56 44 37 37


* Allen Elementary

Students tested: 369


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 63 71 61 63 24 3 85 83 77 66 21 4 71 75 70 73 22 5 81 82 79 71 8 6 81 89 82 83 3


* Anthony Elementary

Students tested: 389


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 51 53 47 57 56 3 35 62 43 48 56 4 39 43 46 37 51 5 43 54 43 46 32 6 45 53 48 48 41



* Barker Elementary

Students tested: 262


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 56 44 63 58 8 3 62 54 63 58 5 4 63 53 72 49 4 5 70 68 74 53 0 6 66 73 71 63 0


* Bell Intermediate

Students tested: 711


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 59 64 65 57 3 8 56 58 56 44 3


* Bolsa Grande High

Students tested: 1,212


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 22 55 46 39 34 51 10 19 47 30 40 30 50 11 24 49 35 35 47 45


* Brookhurst Elementary

Students tested: 423


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 49 62 57 47 44 3 37 54 40 45 37 4 39 48 54 46 26 5 37 45 48 41 42 6 41 51 49 40 40


* Bryant Elementary

Students tested: 419


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 31 43 33 33 57 3 21 22 23 25 48 4 20 24 28 15 48 5 24 28 31 28 38 6 31 34 35 31 48


* Carrillo Elementary

Students tested: 432


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 24 37 29 30 79 3 23 38 24 33 76 4 32 40 40 33 67 5 23 25 33 24 70 6 32 37 41 30 67


* Carver Elementary

Students tested: 226


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 34 47 40 30 51 3 20 28 29 25 55 4 13 18 22 17 47 5 18 19 21 17 43 6 24 22 30 19 50



* Clinton-Mendenhall Elementary

Students tested: 648


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 28 25 19 25 69 3 18 26 24 27 63 4 19 25 34 20 72 5 21 24 31 25 65 6 25 41 31 21 71


* Cook Elementary

Students tested: 265


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 26 39 26 41 87 3 20 30 27 27 67 4 31 42 39 40 66 5 36 48 44 40 57 6 41 57 39 38 48


* Crosby Elementary

Students tested: 388


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 46 47 43 46 39 3 32 36 27 35 27 4 44 44 39 36 26 5 27 28 29 31 31 6 44 48 38 35 33


* Doig Intermediate

Students tested: 837


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 31 43 43 30 63 8 31 39 36 24 65


* Eisenhower Elementary

Students tested: 590


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 27 33 24 26 73 3 18 35 20 25 73 4 20 23 27 20 72 5 23 22 24 23 65 6 28 36 40 30 59


* Enders Elementary

Students tested: 589


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 56 47 54 51 8 3 56 56 55 50 6 4 46 43 54 38 3 5 56 57 64 49 5 6 53 57 54 44 2


* Evans Elementary

Students tested: 407


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 37 30 42 33 47 3 34 38 41 36 51 4 34 40 48 36 44 5 43 49 52 41 43 6 36 48 50 34 39



* Excelsior Elementary

Students tested: 364


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 44 50 40 54 66 3 29 43 32 51 77 4 41 47 39 45 61 5 27 35 37 34 62 6 41 59 46 47 65


* Faylane Elementary

Students tested: 535


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 43 31 39 39 47 3 33 39 36 33 47 4 34 40 38 28 41 5 35 33 39 34 42 6 44 56 52 41 32


* Fitz Intermediate

Students tested: 877


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 32 44 45 40 54 8 36 48 47 34 50


* Garden Grove High

Students tested: 1,475


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 36 59 59 48 47 32 10 36 51 48 49 45 27 11 40 53 52 49 57 25


* Gilbert Elementary

Students tested: 425


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 40 37 36 41 39 3 32 42 36 41 33 4 44 38 45 46 31 5 44 40 50 45 24 6 46 42 43 41 20


* Hazard Elementary

Students tested: 504


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 22 29 23 29 78 3 18 24 18 28 75 4 12 14 17 12 83 5 18 17 24 20 70 6 27 23 36 24 71


* Heritage Elementary

Students tested: 466


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 22 40 26 24 79 3 20 38 27 28 89 4 32 37 37 24 72 5 30 33 39 35 74 6 25 31 35 27 71



* Hill Elementary

Students tested: 314


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 52 66 56 60 63 3 32 42 32 45 62 4 41 55 45 43 66 5 42 44 49 48 56 6 43 49 47 40 59


* Irvine Intermediate

Students tested: 771


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 37 48 52 43 47 8 36 44 47 36 49


* Jordan Intermediate

Students tested: 620


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 34 46 47 42 56 8 47 57 58 41 49


* La Quinta High

Students tested: 1,125


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 30 65 55 48 41 34 10 32 63 44 50 41 28 11 31 60 46 44 51 28


* Lake Continuation High

Students tested: 176


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 19 30 22 34 20 29 10 15 22 12 29 21 20 11 17 24 24 30 41 21


* Lawrence Elementary

Students tested: 443


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 30 33 33 35 56 3 31 43 41 41 44 4 48 42 43 37 49 5 39 45 44 39 42 6 44 63 46 40 44


* Lincoln Education Center-- Continuation

Students tested: 32


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 8 * * * * 0



Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 * * * * * 33 10 17 24 21 34 35 12 11 16 15 18 16 17 9


* Los Amigos High

Students tested: 1,584


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 24 48 44 38 34 52 10 22 45 30 41 33 50 11 30 48 41 37 51 38



* Marshall Elementary

Students tested: 375


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 29 26 27 39 66 3 21 34 23 28 69 4 23 33 35 20 64 5 32 35 33 31 55 6 25 27 27 23 60


* McGarvin Intermediate

Students tested: 573


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 46 61 61 56 40 8 47 60 54 46 42


* Mitchell Elementary

Students tested: 409


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 36 39 26 39 68 3 24 26 29 33 64 4 32 39 38 33 60 5 34 41 42 33 55 6 46 57 46 43 41


* Monroe Elementary

Students tested: 328


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 65 73 64 65 31 3 41 53 46 51 50 4 52 49 55 53 25 5 53 72 65 61 22 6 68 80 73 65 21


* Morningside Elementary

Students tested: 440


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 30 46 28 32 63 3 28 56 39 41 68 4 30 41 35 36 69 5 26 36 32 30 57 6 36 57 46 45 49


* Murdy Elementary

Students tested: 294


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 38 49 33 41 71 3 34 50 44 49 82 4 39 54 45 42 73 5 41 59 42 52 60 6 48 67 50 63 43


* Newhope Elementary

Students tested: 438


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 31 44 27 35 63 3 23 34 32 31 74 4 50 41 48 47 61 5 30 25 33 29 61 6 47 52 55 49 53



* Northcutt Elementary

Students tested: 421


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 54 56 56 56 35 3 39 54 47 44 39 4 53 57 55 45 39 5 37 49 45 38 31 6 50 63 57 47 33


* Pacifica High

Students tested: 1,306


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 49 67 60 54 50 6 10 44 57 48 55 44 6 11 52 63 56 57 65 7


* Paine Elementary

Students tested: 395


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 50 55 56 46 65 3 31 44 33 33 58 4 32 47 39 28 64 5 31 56 44 39 48 6 37 59 43 41 49


* Parkview Elementary

Students tested: 439


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 35 32 30 37 55 3 32 38 34 28 55 4 35 38 41 33 46 5 27 33 27 25 45 6 42 43 45 40 36


* Patton Elementary

Students tested: 713


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 70 64 72 66 10 3 54 47 53 48 12 4 67 57 69 66 8 5 63 67 68 61 8 6 71 81 72 61 3


* Peters Elementary

Students tested: 611


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 31 42 41 27 61 3 21 28 21 28 66 4 28 34 39 24 50 5 20 18 25 25 60 6 32 40 35 30 49



* Post Elementary

Students tested: 408


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 37 32 32 46 77 3 38 59 50 57 67 4 36 52 47 45 69 5 41 45 41 42 42 6 47 74 46 49 52


* Ralston Intermediate

Students tested: 734


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 42 53 60 54 31 8 42 50 49 39 29


* Rancho Alamitos High

Students tested: 1,165


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 26 51 42 38 37 36 10 22 39 26 37 28 36 11 29 46 35 36 49 32


* Riverdale Elementary

Students tested: 551


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 23 26 21 27 68 3 14 24 15 23 71 4 30 42 35 30 70 5 21 27 27 25 69 6 31 37 35 26 64


* Rosita Elementary

Students tested: 493


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 20 25 23 23 84 3 18 29 22 27 80 4 29 38 42 26 72 5 33 44 49 35 64 6 46 63 55 47 43


* Russell Elementary

Students tested: 529


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 18 24 18 18 85 3 14 22 17 13 88 4 19 28 32 18 85 5 16 19 25 17 83 6 22 34 35 17 83


* Santiago High

Students tested: 1,512


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 17 40 37 30 30 59 10 15 37 23 30 24 56 11 18 34 28 31 40 54



* Skylark Elementary

Students tested: 181


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 20 26 21 29 79 3 14 28 23 18 66 4 21 24 33 24 74 5 22 24 37 27 65 6 31 41 52 38 70


* Stanford Elementary

Students tested: 447


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 41 45 35 43 64 3 45 56 51 54 52 4 32 36 40 37 16 5 39 39 41 44 33 6 38 53 43 38 51


* Stanley Elementary

Students tested: 301


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 44 43 47 54 53 3 38 46 42 39 38 4 40 43 43 40 40 5 44 37 48 49 9 6 54 61 62 55 25


* Sunnyside Elementary

Students tested: 388


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 40 42 36 49 44 3 34 52 37 46 49 4 45 52 53 48 46 5 48 54 49 54 45 6 49 69 54 55 23


* Violette Elementary

Students tested: 367


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 34 41 32 40 65 3 25 39 30 35 68 4 22 28 33 22 57 5 28 31 37 31 43 6 32 47 44 33 56


* Wakeham Elementary

Students tested: 281


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 29 26 32 27 52 3 26 32 29 31 49 4 32 37 43 36 49 5 30 29 36 33 42 6 41 39 50 33 52



* Walton Intermediate

Students tested: 670


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 7 40 47 50 43 41 8 41 45 47 34 39


* Warren Elementary

Students tested: 468


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 26 27 25 27 68 3 26 29 27 29 51 4 25 35 34 23 48 5 27 29 39 30 51 6 39 49 48 40 47


* Woodbury Elementary

Students tested: 517


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 37 38 38 36 60 3 36 50 49 45 50 4 47 55 50 49 45 5 50 54 54 46 31 6 60 67 65 59 33


* Zeyen Elementary

Students tested: 347


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 43 44 49 48 36 3 27 31 31 34 43 4 36 41 43 34 32 5 48 50 49 39 18 6 44 53 41 32 30


Huntington Beach City

* District average

Students tested: 4,888


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 58 64 65 54 2 3 61 67 62 53 4 4 66 65 69 61 1 5 64 63 69 57 2 6 63 71 66 57 0 7 63 72 72 60 0 8 64 69 70 52 0


* Dwyer Middle

Students tested: 935


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 6 56 63 58 51 0 7 53 63 61 51 0 8 57 59 63 47 0


* Eader Elementary

Students tested: 416


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 59 59 66 56 0 3 61 63 62 52 1 4 71 68 67 63 0 5 62 52 63 55 0


* Hawes Elementary

Students tested: 300


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 67 79 79 63 0 3 74 86 81 71 0 4 74 75 77 70 0 5 67 72 75 67 0



* Kettler Elementary

Students tested: 390


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 53 59 63 48 3 3 60 65 60 50 0 4 64 62 67 59 0 5 62 64 65 56 0


* Moffett Elementary

Students tested: 345


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 62 77 74 56 0 3 67 78 67 55 0 4 61 66 67 57 0 5 63 67 81 58 0


* Perry Elementary

Students tested: 397


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 47 49 45 41 1 3 37 39 43 40 14 4 39 35 51 37 0 5 41 44 45 38 5


* Peterson Elementary

Students tested: 446


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 64 63 66 63 10 3 63 73 61 50 10 4 73 72 71 67 7 5 79 81 76 71 12


* Smith Elementary

Students tested: 523


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 58 67 66 53 0 3 65 66 66 61 0 4 71 70 75 66 0 5 71 66 72 59 0


* Sowers Middle

Students tested: 1,136


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 6 69 77 73 62 0 7 70 77 79 67 0 8 70 77 75 57 0


Huntington Beach Union High

* District average

Students tested: 10,477


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 42 62 60 54 51 18 10 40 59 47 56 48 16 11 44 59 52 55 64 16



* Edison High

Students tested: 1,629


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 53 66 66 63 64 9 10 50 63 57 65 61 3 11 52 66 60 65 75 4


* Fountain Valley High

Students tested: 2,070


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 51 72 69 64 60 10 10 48 67 59 65 56 9 11 51 68 61 63 72 11


* Huntington Beach Alternative High

Students tested: 175


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 58 51 59 61 57 11 10 39 39 37 46 38 8 11 44 34 43 38 58 1


* Huntington Beach High

Students tested: 1,671


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 45 61 60 57 49 6 10 48 65 53 59 50 7 11 51 63 56 62 67 5


* Marina High

Students tested: 1,726


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 48 67 66 58 54 4 10 48 65 56 65 53 8 11 52 62 59 62 71 6


* Ocean View High

Students tested: 1,181


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 37 54 57 43 47 25 10 30 47 39 40 39 28 11 41 52 51 48 60 28



* Valley Vista Continuation High

Students tested: 143


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 10 10 26 15 25 21 2 11 11 22 25 30 26 4


* Westminster High

Students tested: 1,882


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 23 50 42 39 33 49 10 21 48 27 38 30 49 11 25 50 35 37 47 49


Irvine Unified

* District average

Students tested: 18,052


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 70 72 74 67 10 3 68 74 71 63 9 4 73 73 73 71 9 5 72 77 75 67 10 6 76 84 76 72 9 7 71 78 78 70 9 8 72 77 75 61 10



Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 63 82 74 66 71 9 10 59 73 64 65 67 11 11 61 79 68 68 76 14


* Alderwood Basics Plus Elementary

Students tested: 325


% LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Spell tested 2 85 89 86 81 2 3 78 79 84 74 5 4 77 72 80 77 3 5 74 85 73 69 6 6 75 83 65 73 9


* Bonita Canyon Elementary

Students tested: 418


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 80 86 87 77 2 3 82 82 81 71 4 4 80 81 73 75 4 5 79 88 77 75 4 6 78 92 83 74 5



* Brywood Elementary

Students tested: 482


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 72 74 77 69 8 3 67 69 69 63 11 4 75 77 77 78 14 5 72 76 79 67 7 6 77 86 79 72 12


* College Park Elementary

Students tested: 462


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 69 70 67 63 29 3 57 75 59 61 31 4 65 78 74 70 26 5 59 74 63 62 25 6 66 80 71 67 13


* Culverdale Elementary

Students tested: 456


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 51 54 53 48 30 3 56 65 64 54 23 4 59 67 64 61 27 5 57 73 62 60 29 6 65 84 70 60 21


* Deerfield Elementary

Students tested: 400


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 76 82 77 81 8 3 58 65 63 63 5 4 82 85 81 85 5 5 77 77 74 69 9 6 83 88 84 80 3


* Eastshore Elementary

Students tested: 387


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 78 84 83 69 9 3 72 82 78 68 6 4 84 85 79 77 5 5 84 88 85 77 7 6 81 86 78 74 8


* El Camino Real Elementary

Students tested: 488


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 67 62 73 64 4 3 70 67 70 63 3 4 76 65 70 68 4 5 68 75 74 64 5 6 74 80 73 67 7



* El Toro Marine Elementary

Students tested: 291


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 45 41 63 55 1 3 51 54 51 49 2 4 52 44 59 50 9 5 47 39 54 50 2 6 41 42 57 45 5


* Greentree Elementary

Students tested: 373


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 61 61 70 61 9 3 71 79 76 66 6 4 71 74 72 69 7 5 59 55 70 64 20 6 74 83 74 78 5


* Irvine High

Students tested: 1,969


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 65 82 75 67 73 6 10 57 66 63 63 62 8 11 63 77 69 70 77 8


* Lakeside Middle

Students tested: 569


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 7 72 80 79 72 8 8 74 80 76 61 7


* Los Naranjos Elementary

Students tested: 355


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 62 67 68 58 3 3 57 72 61 55 10 4 65 67 65 60 8 5 61 63 69 53 5 6 68 76 70 69 9


* Meadow Park Elementary

Students tested: 477


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 68 63 72 65 18 3 73 76 77 66 11 4 72 65 70 65 2 5 75 80 78 66 9 6 75 85 81 73 6


* Northwood Elementary

Students tested: 449


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 65 65 70 60 8 3 61 77 67 56 9 4 72 77 75 67 6 5 70 80 77 62 9 6 75 81 74 73 7



* Rancho San Joaquin Middle

Students tested: 779


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 7 71 83 79 69 13 8 68 75 71 56 18


* S.E.L.F. Alternate High

Students tested: 138


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 32 47 34 37 29 12 10 17 22 10 20 28 14 11 23 22 22 28 26 15


* San Joaquin High

Students tested: 61


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 * * * * * 0 10 39 35 34 37 41 5 11 47 37 39 43 60 6


* Santiago Hills Elementary

Students tested: 526


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 77 84 82 74 7 3 79 87 83 71 3 4 82 81 80 82 5 5 82 85 86 76 3 6 79 87 76 73 7


* Sierra Vista Middle

Students tested: 729


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 7 71 75 74 67 7 8 75 77 74 64 4


* South Lake Middle

Students tested: 647


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 7 65 70 74 62 10 8 70 74 76 56 11


* Springbrook Elementary

Students tested: 468


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 65 66 64 56 9 3 63 62 66 57 15 4 64 62 60 57 11 5 69 80 68 69 12 6 70 84 73 65 9


* Stone Creek Elementary

Students tested: 352


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 69 69 77 72 8 3 69 73 70 65 9 4 69 63 71 71 7 5 72 81 77 73 8 6 74 90 78 76 8


* Turtle Rock Elementary

Students tested: 566


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 75 79 78 73 10 3 74 80 79 68 5 4 80 83 84 78 11 5 86 88 88 78 5 6 87 94 85 85 7



* University High

Students tested: 1,829


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 67 88 79 71 77 13 10 69 86 73 75 81 14 11 65 88 73 76 79 17


* University Park Elementary

Students tested: 439


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 61 58 63 65 19 3 57 64 62 59 20 4 69 64 70 71 20 5 58 67 69 55 26 6 69 78 73 63 24


* Venado Middle

Students tested: 797


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 7 74 82 80 75 8 8 74 78 78 68 8


* Vista Verde Elementary

Students tested: 502


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 76 82 81 69 8 3 70 78 73 59 2 4 82 80 79 79 3 5 77 76 73 65 2 6 85 89 76 79 5 7 80 79 83 77 2 8 82 74 83 66 2


* Westpark Elementary

Students tested: 419


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 70 77 69 67 7 3 67 72 71 59 2 4 71 63 63 67 2 5 68 74 71 59 3 6 80 76 71 70 5


* Westwood Basics Plus

Students tested: 341


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 80 80 83 67 3 3 75 79 78 75 5 4 71 66 70 75 9 5 68 67 66 66 5 6 78 83 75 80 5


* Woodbridge High

Students tested: 1,558


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 57 76 67 63 62 10 10 54 68 59 59 58 13 11 60 78 67 63 76 18



La Habra City

* District average

Students tested: 4,314


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 30 39 34 33 45 3 29 48 34 34 40 4 30 44 38 26 35 5 31 44 41 28 37 6 39 47 42 31 35 7 37 41 47 37 28 8 38 41 40 30 27


* El Cerrito Elementary

Students tested: 194


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 27 35 29 30 47


* Imperial Middle

Students tested: 909


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 6 38 47 42 30 40 7 37 38 49 37 30 8 38 46 39 30 30


* Ladera Palma Elementary

Students tested: 278


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 36 44 41 39 39


* Las Lomas Elementary

Students tested: 228


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 26 37 31 29 51


* Las Positas Elementary

Students tested: 607


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 3 22 43 25 29 44 4 28 38 35 25 41 5 28 41 36 25 40


* Sierra Vista Elementary

Students tested: 727


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 3 37 49 42 41 37 4 40 54 48 34 26 5 37 51 50 32 33


* Walnut Elementary

Students tested: 605


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 3 28 54 37 33 40 4 24 38 31 20 40 5 27 41 35 26 38


* Washington Middle

Students tested: 766


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 6 40 47 42 32 29 7 37 43 45 37 26 8 38 35 41 30 23



Laguna Beach Unified

* District average

Students tested: 1,971


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 70 73 71 56 4 3 69 79 68 55 6 4 70 67 63 63 4 5 72 77 69 63 3 6 68 75 55 60 1 7 72 72 71 65 1 8 73 71 70 53 2



Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 68 77 72 72 72 0 10 62 61 62 69 61 0 11 68 71 71 71 82 0


* El Morro Elementary

Students tested: 342


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 62 72 65 46 10 3 61 76 62 52 10 4 63 66 59 53 7 5 69 79 66 61 6


* Laguna Beach High

Students tested: 584


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 68 77 72 72 72 0 10 62 61 62 69 61 0 11 68 71 71 71 82 0


* Thurston Middle

Students tested: 578


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 6 68 75 55 60 1 7 72 72 71 65 1 8 73 71 70 53 2


* Top of the World Elementary

Students tested: 467


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 73 74 75 61 0 3 74 80 73 57 3 4 75 68 66 70 2 5 74 76 72 65 2


Los Alamitos Unified

* District average

Students tested: 6,507


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 69 76 80 66 2 3 69 74 73 57 1 4 68 62 69 59 1 5 65 60 67 56 2 6 70 72 68 60 1 7 70 68 73 64 2 8 72 67 71 55 2




Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 57 75 71 65 60 2 10 55 65 61 66 60 2 11 58 65 64 60 72 1


* Hopkinson Elementary

Students tested: 437


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 72 87 84 69 0 3 67 66 71 58 2 4 74 68 71 65 1 5 70 61 66 58 3


* Laurel High

Students tested: 117


Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 44 34 41 35 47 0 10 22 26 21 32 32 0 11 25 24 28 28 35 0


* Lee Elementary

Students tested: 461


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 65 79 80 66 0 3 70 71 75 58 0 4 74 71 74 67 0 5 69 65 71 58 1


* Los Alamitos Elementary

Students tested: 457


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 64 73 75 63 7 3 65 72 69 55 2 4 59 57 64 49 3 5 61 60 68 55 3


* Los Alamitos High

Students tested: 2,060


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 6 51 * 36 * 0



Social % LEP Grade Read Math Lang. Science Science tested 9 57 76 72 65 60 2 10 57 67 63 67 61 2 11 62 69 67 63 75 1



* McAuliffe Middle

Students tested: 962


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 6 71 74 70 63 1 7 67 71 74 63 2 8 72 71 72 57 2


* McGaugh Elementary

Students tested: 562


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 68 62 72 66 2 3 68 79 71 57 1 4 63 54 65 52 0 5 63 57 63 55 2


* Oak Middle

Students tested: 1,012


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 6 69 71 66 58 1 7 73 66 74 65 1 8 72 62 69 53 1


* Rossmoor Elementary

Students tested: 400


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 75 80 87 68 0 3 77 79 81 61 0 4 69 62 70 62 0 5 63 57 71 56 0


* Weaver Elementary

Students tested: 39


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 64 69 80 59 0 3 75 75 74 48 0



* District average

Students tested: 4,182


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 28 32 33 32 49 3 26 27 32 35 45 4 29 27 39 33 38 5 27 31 37 33 36 6 34 42 42 34 34


* Baden-Powell Elementary

Students tested: 334


Grade Read Math Lang. Spell % LEP tested 2 31 44 39 37 48 3 28 30 33 40 36 4 31 27 40 29 28 5 32 40 43 37 23 6 32 45 43 39 29


* Disney Elementary

Students tested: 472


