
Council Action Aims to Rein in Speeding

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Police enforcement will increase under a plan approved by the City Council last week to curb speeding on Francisco and Vida drives.

For more than 20 years, homeowners on the curvy streets have complained about speeding and reckless driving.

Homeowners from the surrounding area objected to a proposed street closure and restrictions on turns, saying such measures would drive more traffic onto their streets.


Residents on the two streets urged the council to impose turning restrictions in and out of the tract; they also supported a street closure.

“Enforcement is a Band-Aid that is absolutely going to have no effectiveness,” said Kelly Tucker, speaking for about 60 families on the two streets.

Tucker said the main problem is that motorists use the streets, with speed limits of 25 mph, as a shortcut to get to nearby thoroughfares, including Collins and Katella avenues and Villa Park Road. A city survey showed that speeds in the area range up to 50 mph.


Tucker expressed disappointment that council members only approved speed enforcement, saying residents are “fearful for their safety, and they feel abandoned by the City Council.”

City Manager Fred Maley said he will immediately work with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department to create an enforcement strategy.
