
College Trustees Spreading Ruin


* I served the South Orange County Community College District for 25 years as a teacher, counselor, administrator and consultant. With many other great teachers and administrators, I helped build the district and two excellent colleges.

In a very short time, the existing Board of Trustees has nearly destroyed everything we labored so long to create. The institutional philosophy and procedures for “shared governance” have been disregarded and abandoned.

There is no forum for shared decision making. Hiring policies and procedures, which took years to develop, have been thrown out by the board.


It now places inexperienced people in positions with little or no advisement. Talented and experienced administrators left the colleges and district because they could not tolerate the behavior and abuses of the board. The board has betrayed its trust and commitment to the residents and to the communities it swore to support.

The members of this board and those who advise them are sophists. They have disguised what they have done, how they think, and their own personal ambitions.

It is my personal and professional opinion that the residents of this college district cannot trust what they do and say. All of the members of this existing board must go. Keep their names available, and when the elections come, vote for someone, anyone other than these existing, elected officials.


Former vice president

for instruction

Saddleback College
