
Takasugi to Leave Intensive Care Unit

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Assemblyman Nao Takasugi’s condition was upgraded to fair Wednesday, two days after he suffered a heart attack during morning exercises a block from his Sacramento home.

Takasugi, a Republican who represents a district from Thousand Oaks to Oxnard, is also scheduled to be moved from the cardiac intensive care unit to a private room at Sacramento’s Sutter Memorial Hospital.

“We’re pleased with his improvement, and so are his family members,” said Julia King, Takasugi’s chief of staff. “We won’t have to worry quite so much.”


The 76-year-old former Oxnard mayor apparently fainted during one of his customary brisk morning walks Monday after suffering a blockage of one of his arteries. A passerby noticed a fallen man in a running suit and called an ambulance, but authorities were initially unable to determine his identity because Takasugi was not carrying identification.
