
Exhibit Looks at Sexism, Homophobia

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A poster exhibition on sexism and homophobia has opened in the Performing Arts Center at Cal State Northridge.

“Sex, Lies and Stereotype,” sponsored by the Center for the Study of Political Graphics in Los Angeles, combines 71 posters documenting gender-role, race and ethnic discrimination and the oppression of women and gays.

“It’s for a very general audience,” said Carol Wells, executive director for the center. “It’s important for those who are personally involved in these issues because it shows they’re not alone, but it’s equally important for others because it gives them a perspective on a subject they may be ignorant or unconcerned about.”


Wells said the focus of the exhibition is on sexism and gay issues from the 1960s through today.

Posters from all over the world will be included in the exhibition, she added.

“It shows that these issues are not just a struggle that’s happening in the United States but in other countries as well,” Wells said.

The poster exhibition, which is open to the public, will be on display through May 28 at the Performing Arts Center in the Student Union on the east side of campus.


Exhibition hours vary daily. For more information and for specific viewing hours, contact the Performing Arts Center at (818) 677-3943.
