
School Bond Issue Will Be Debated

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A public meeting to debate Measure V, a $97-million bond issue for the Conejo Valley Unified School District, will be held tonight in the Thousand Oaks Library Auditorium.

Voters go to the polls April 14. If the measure passes with a two-thirds majority vote, the money would be used to wire the district’s schools for computers, install air conditioning, fix underground pipes, paint walls, repair roofs, pave cracked parking lots and build gymnasiums, a tennis court and a swimming pool.

The meeting starts at 7 p.m. and will be sponsored by the Thousand Oaks Citizens Action Network.


Supporters of the bond who are scheduled to speak are school board member Elaine McKearn and resident Debbie Gregory.

Opponents of the bond who are scheduled to attend are H. Jere Robings, president of the Ventura County Alliance of Taxpayers; Dr. H. Bruce Driscoll, a resident with an alternative funding plan; and resident Tommi Denney.

“The network has no position for or against the bond. We are sponsoring this ‘town hall’ meeting as a service to voters,” said group President Wayne Possehl. “It should not pass or fail because people are unaware a vote is being held or what the issues are.”


The meeting will be videotaped and broadcast later on cable public-access Channel 8. The library auditorium is at 1401 East Janss Road in Thousand Oaks.
