
No on Anaheim’s Measure A


* The Anaheim Budget Advisory Commission--a group of business leaders appointed by the City Council to advise them on fiscal matters--is unanimously opposed to Measure A.

Anaheim’s Measure A would take the responsibility of setting firefighters’ benefits and working conditions away from our elected representatives and put it in the hands of an appointed arbitration board. Under the current system, Anaheim’s Fire Department has been rated as one of the best in the country with an Insurance Service Organization rating of 1. Only 28 cities in the entire United States have achieved this high rating.

Anaheim’s 215 sworn fire personnel are well-compensated. In 1997, the average member of the Anaheim Firefighters Assn. worked 10 days per month, received $61,082 in base pay and $13,375 in other cash payments. The city also contributed $16,213 to his pension and benefits resulting in an average total compensation of $90,670 per year, or $755 per 24-hour shift worked. The Fire Department’s management personnel receive considerably more. The number of sworn fire personnel who receive yearly compensation in excess of $100,000 has increased from 48 (23%) in 1995 to 70 (over 32%) in 1997.


Salary is not the only benefit that attracts persons to become Anaheim firefighters. Anaheim’s pension benefits, working conditions, paid training and advancement opportunities also entice potential fire personnel. When a position opens in the Fire Department, there are at least 500 capable persons who apply for it. Firefighter pensions far exceed those afforded employees in other sectors of government and in private industry. Most of Anaheim’s sworn fire personnel retire by age 55 and receive 75% of their final year’s wages--or approximately $59,000 a year. In addition, retired firefighters and their spouses receive lifetime medical insurance paid for by the city.

Don’t take away the ability of Anaheim’s elected representatives to govern the Fire Department. Vote NO on Measure A.

DAN VAN DORPE, chairman

Budget Advisory Commission
