
Smart Aleck


Sometimes Smart Aleck asks brilliant questions, and sometimes we sink like a boat filled with big boulders in the middle of a hurricane. The Sept. 20 question is one of those “sink like a boat” weeks. Obviously, all of you were saving your energy for the answers to the Aug. 27 question--namely, what on earth will Monica Lewinsky do for a living? The answers are still pouring in. But they will have to wait until next week to be printed. For this week, we thank our Seal Beach pal, Gilbert . . .

The question Sept. 20: Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa are credited with breathing new life into baseball. What other sports would you like to see make a comeback, croquet fans?

Table tennis needs promoting nationwide. Healthy, inexpensive, safe, family-oriented sport. Suitable for all shapes, sizes and ages. Makes friends, great exercise, competitive, have fun.


Gilbert Simons

Seal Beach
