
Blind to GOP’s Own Divisions


* Kenneth Khachigian’s Aug. 1 column is indicative of the collective amnesia that California Republican leaders are experiencing.

Khachigian relishes the divisions that have manifested themselves between Gov. Gray Davis and members of the Democratic leadership.

He chooses to forget the facts concerning the much more serious divisions that have led his own party to their present position in California politics.


George Deukmejian, who he mentions won in 1986 with a 24-point margin, had the support of many Mexican Americans. “Viva Deukmejian” signs were waved in 1986. There was no “Viva Wilson” or “Viva Lungren” sentiment in 1998.

Deukmejian appointed many African Americans of the Colin Powell stripe to high positions in his administration. “Rockefeller Republicans” are now persona non grata with the Republican leadership.

Deukmejian realized that California is a pluralistic state. The present Republican leadership wouldn’t nominate their 1994 senatorial candidate for dogcatcher today.

Why is Khachigian so fascinated with the divisions within the California Democratic leadership when the divisions within his own party are much more serious?


