
For Kids: A Gee-Whiz Look at Life


Author Robie H. Harris and illustrator Michael Emberley, who collaborated on “It’s Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex & Sexual Health” for preteens and teens, have filled a niche for younger children with their latest book, “It’s So Amazing!,” geared to youngsters age 7 and up. An adult may tire of hearing variations of the phrase “It’s So Amazing” throughout the 22 chapters and find the dynamic duo of a curious bird and a squeamish bee as irritating as the purple dinosaur Barney. But the book offers age-appropriate explanations for the questions children are likely to ask. It presents a wide-eyed view of the biology of reproduction and pregnancy--from the joining of eggs and sperm through delivery of a newborn, with accessible explanations of how genes and chromosomes make each person an individual. It offers concise answers to children’s questions about development and sexuality, families, adoption and love, and tackles the sensitive issues of homosexuality, sexual abuse and AIDS without excessive detail. The book celebrates the love, comfort and safety that families of all colors and many configurations can offer a child.
