
Supervisor Seeking Job on Water Board


Ventura County Supervisor John Flynn has applied for a position on the state’s most powerful water quality board and will leave elected office if he is appointed to the $103,000-a-year job.

Since applying for the post with the State Water Resources Control Board late last year, the 66-year-old Democrat has been building a broad base of support for a move to Sacramento, collecting recommendations from state lawmakers, environmentalists and local elected officials.

Although there is no timetable for Gov. Gray Davis to consider those applications, Flynn’s move would end a 23-year career in public office and perhaps set the stage for the appointment of the first Latino supervisor in modern times.


“I really love what I’m doing now, but with the election of Gov. Davis I now have an opportunity to branch out into other areas where I’ve developed some expertise,” Flynn said.

Flynn has gained a reputation as one of Ventura County’s experts on water issues since being elected to the Board of Supervisors in 1972.
