
Ng Jury Hears Testimony Read on Two Victims

From Associated Press

Charles Ng’s jury concluded the second week of deliberation in his murder trial Thursday after hearing a reading of Ng’s testimony on two of the 12 alleged victims.

The nine-woman, three-man Orange County panel listened for about 1 1/2 hours as a court reporter read sections of Ng’s Jan. 27 to 28 questioning about the 1985 disappearances of Kathy Allen, a San Jose supermarket clerk, and Cliff Peranteau, a former co-worker with Ng at a San Francisco moving company.

Ng last month denied killing those two and the others.

A 38-year-old from Hong Kong, Ng is accused of helping a fugitive survivalist, Leonard Lake, kill seven men, three women and two baby boys as part of a kidnapping and sex slavery scheme in Calaveras County in 1984 and 1985.


Lake committed suicide by taking cyanide while in South San Francisco police detention in 1985.
