
O.C. Republicans Again Turn to Fuentes


Orange County Republicans reelected Thomas A. Fuentes to an unprecedented eighth two-year term as party chairman Monday night, choosing him to lead them into pivotal 2000 elections.

Fuentes was elected over a lone “no” during a voice vote at an overflow meeting of about 225 people, including members of the county GOP central committee, their alternates and onlookers.

During his emotional acceptance speech at a Costa Mesa hotel, Fuentes acknowledged the sentiment of some party leaders that it is time to groom his successor. They contend that Fuentes has become too divisive and that his staunch conservatism is out of touch with Republican voters.


Many of those voters abandoned GOP candidates in November, resulting in a Democratic sweep statewide and the loss of two GOP legislators in Orange County.

“The reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated,” Fuentes said. “When it comes to doing the work of the party, there is room for one and all.”

Among new central committee members taking oaths of office from Sheriff Michael Carona were 11 self-defined moderate Republicans who won in June with a pledge to broaden the group’s reach beyond its core of conservative activists. There are 60 members on the committee.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher called Fuentes a strong leader and said critics come from the ranks of those who are disappointed that their views are not in the majority among party leaders. He had a sharp message for Fuentes opponents.

“This party has an open door--we have an open door in and we have an open door out,” Rohrabacher said. “Anyone who spends more time attacking Republicans than attacking Democrats shouldn’t be here tonight.”

Committee members also reelected five other veteran officers to party leadership posts. In the only contested election, Wendy Baugh was chosen secretary by a two-thirds vote over Evelyn Hart, a former Newport Beach councilwoman.


Before the vote, Hart and Baugh were asked to state their positions on a proposed resolution before the state GOP convention in February that calls for the removal of a plank in the California party platform that condemns abortion rights. Hart said she supports abortion rights; Baugh said she is opposed to abortion.

Democrats also looked to familiar faces for their leadership this month, unanimously electing Chairwoman Jeanne Costales to her second term. Central committee member Rima Nashishibi, a candidate for the 67th Assembly District last year, was elected vice chairwoman.

Longtime Democratic activist Marti Schrank, a party leader since 1980, won her third consecutive term as secretary.

Fuentes took aim at Democrats on Monday, accusing the Democratic Central Committee of being a “cabal of special interests” dominated by labor union bosses and wealthy elitists, as well as trial lawyers, liberal academics, “media fellow travelers” and “profiteers.”

Schrank said Monday night that Fuentes’ description of Democratic leaders was empty rhetoric.

“He has no idea what he’s talking about, but it must sound good to the people he’s talking to,” she said.
