
Devonshire Division Jail


This is to inform the citizens of the northwest San Fernando Valley, namely the area covered by LAPD’s Devonshire Division, that there is a persistent rumor floating about regarding the department’s intent on closing the jail at Devonshire. Such a closure would necessitate officers from that division taking their arrestees to a jail several miles from Devonshire Division, most likely Van Nuys area jail. In such an event, Devonshire Division would be depleted of resources at various times, as there usually exists a backlog of bookings in the Van Nuys Jail.

I believe the citizens of Devonshire area understand the seriousness with which the secession movement is being contemplated throughout the San Fernando Valley. It is for reasons of feeling the city of Los Angeles is not responsive to your communities. Now they want to put your safety at risk by closing down the jail at Devonshire Division.

Devonshire Division is the farthest area in the Valley from the Van Nuys area jail. And it should be obvious to citizens, if not to management in the department, that officers routinely taking two to three hours to book their arrestee at Van Nuys Jail are not available to respond to calls for assistance in a timely manner.


It is imperative that you contact your city councilman’s office, that being Councilman Hal Bernson, and express your discontent with this foolish plan. Demand that Devonshire Division keep its jail open and functioning as it has for decades.


