
Residents Ask for Speed Humps


Residents near Tapo and Cochran streets want speed humps installed on their streets, but the city has not determined whether the neighborhood meets the criteria for the traffic measures.

At a meeting last month of Neighborhood Council No. 3, a group of residents asked that the council investigate placing speed humps on Alpine and Fig streets, bordering a residential neighborhood southeast of Tapo and Cochran streets.

Simi Valley has a number of guidelines that must be met before speed humps can be installed, said Bill Golubics, a city traffic engineer.


A residential street with a speed limit of 25 mph must have a traffic volume of 2,000 vehicles a day to qualify, Golubics said.

“That’s really the one that’s tough to meet,” he said.

The city could conduct a traffic survey to see if a particular street meets the minimum traffic volume, Golubics said. If the street has a daily volume of 2,000 vehicles, the city would issue a petition supporting speed humps that must be signed by two-thirds of the street’s residents.

The city averages a request per month for speed humps, Golubics said. Since the program began 10 years ago, 25 streets have been outfitted with the humps, which measure 3 inches tall and 12 feet wide, he said.
