
United Way Chairman Steps Down, Is Saluted


After raising $237 million dollars for United Way during four years of service, Charles D. Miller stepped down as the volunteer chairman of the board of directors, it was announced Wednesday.

John T. Cardis, vice chairman of Deloitte & Touche, will succeed Miller as the chairman of Los Angeles’ largest private funder of health and human services, said spokeswoman Charee Gillins.

Miller, 71, was honored Wednesday with a video retrospective of his tenure at the United Way’s annual meeting at the Gene Autry Museum of Western Heritage.


The chairman of Pasadena’s Avery-Denison’s corporation, Miller is credited with helping bring local contributors to United Way, some who now pledge $1 million per year, Gillins said. Miller was also a key player in bringing diversity to the organization.

“Every nonprofit should be so lucky to have Chuck Miller as a volunteer, let alone a board chair,” said Joe Haggerty, United Way president. “Chuck’s vision, leadership and commitment set the highest standard for our organization.”

Miller said his tenure as United Way chairman was a labor of love. His greatest satisfaction, he added, was to persuade himself and other businesses to give back to their communities through the United Way.

“It makes you feel good,” he said.
