
Well, He Has Always Been a Maverick

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Jay Mariotti of the Chicago Sun-Times, on Dennis Rodman’s comeback with the Dallas Mavericks:

“Nice as it would be to think he finally has grown up, nearing 39, there are more reasons to think this is a joke--Rodman’s final freak show.

“Finally, he’s a Hollywood guy in a back-lot town--playing for a B-list team that isn’t scheduled for a national TV appearance.


“Second, he’s about to encounter the culture shock of playing for his first losing team in 15 NBA seasons. Eventually, he will see the dead end and bail out.”


Trivia time: Who holds the men’s Pacific 10 basketball record for the best three-point shooting percentage in a season?


Tracking Tiger: Nick Canepa in the San Diego Union-Tribune, on the media crush because Tiger Woods is playing in the Buick Invitational at Torrey Pines:


“Many, many newspapers that never cover this event are here. Many that do cover it have asked for more credentials. The Los Angeles Times has asked for five credentials. New York’s Newsday, two. The Washington Post, two; The San Antonio Express-News, two. The Associated Press, three.

“Tiger Woods has taken over. He’s the King of Sports. How David Stern wishes Tiger could play basketball.”


Never a doubt: On Monday’s edition of HBO’s “Real Sports,” James Brown asked 21-year-old Laker star Kobe Bryant:


“When did you know in your mind that you could be one of the few in the history of the game who could make the league successfully, jumping from high school to the pros?”


Bryant: “When I was 13.”

Easing into it: Former Charlotte Hornet coach Dave Cowens was asked what he had been doing before the Golden State Warriors hired him as an assistant coach.

“Nothing,” he said. “Just practicing at being retired, so when it comes it won’t be a total shock.”

Familiar? USC recently broke a 13-match losing streak to UCLA in men’s volleyball.

Brook Billings celebrated the Trojan victory by taking off his jersey, reminiscent of Brandi Chastain after the U.S. won the Women’s World Cup last summer.

“It’s like soccer, when you score a goal,” he said. “But I’m not a chick. And I’m not wearing a sports bra.”


Trivia answer: Steve Kerr of Arizona, .573 in 1988.


And finally: Michael Ventre of MSNBC: “For all the guys trying to catch Tiger, it looks like their only hope now is reincarnation.”
