
Ahmanson Ranch

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* Re “Chemical Levels Not Excessive, Study Says,” Feb. 10.

Who does [Ahmanson Land Co. owner] Washington Mutual think it is kidding? Six soil samples and three surface-water samples from a 5,500-acre ranch do not make a real study.

An independent study must be done before permits should be issued to this profit-gaining institution in our neighborhood that pretends to be community minded.


Newbury Park

* [Washington Mutual] fails to mention that its paid environmental engineering firm only collected six soil samples and three surface-water samples from the 5,500-acre ranch. It did not disclose its plan to use untested ground water for irrigating two golf courses and grassy areas. It forgot to state that its donation of open space to the public is land that is directly adjacent to the polluted Rocketdyne field lab.


What about the 20,000 tons of airborne dust that will be produced by eight years of grading and dynamiting the ranch? Why does WAMU risk the health of the men, women and children in the surrounding communities for the sake of profit?

An independent comprehensive study must be done before this project can be approved.


Thousand Oaks
