
Bioche Focuses Too Much on Kid

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* Re “Peachy Idea: Giving Parents a Few Plums,” July 23:

Bravo to Orange County Voices columnist Jenny Bioche for pointing out the obvious, at least to us parents, and especially those who stay at home full time.

I have long wondered why we, as the supposed leader of the Western world, have failed to keep pace with Europe and the inventive strategies they have developed and implemented to assist families.

However, I must question Bioche’s statement that “we’re a country that is over-focused on children and under-focused on parents.”


While I agree with her words, it seems she contradicts her own philosophy when she says her son “tore into some bubble gum” while at the store and wonders why the store couldn’t just “lock this stuff up.”

Well, they shouldn’t have to lock it up. It is Bioche’s job to parent, not the store’s. It is her job to say no and expect her child to respond to her request for obedience.

To blame her son’s behavior on the store display is irresponsible and an example of someone who is over-focused on the child.



Huntington Beach
