
Mittermeier’s Parting Words


A portion of a statement by Jan Mittermeier, terminated from her job Tuesday as county executive officer:

“Today ended my tenure as CEO.

In recognition of the politically sensitive nature of the El Toro program, I had previously offered a compromise to the Board that would enable them to directly manage El Toro while maintaining a clear line of demarcation between it and the rest of County staff. This would have been a situation in which I was willing to continue as CEO.

I suggested that the program be set up in a way that is similar to any of our departments, such as Internal Audit and County Counsel, that report directly to the Board of Supervisors. With such a firewall in place, there would be no issues with dual reporting and financial conflicts for employees. The Board did not accept this compromise, and I am therefore unable to continue in a position in which I am responsible for a program, but have no authority over it. To allow this kind of management structure overlap, I fear, is a return to a pre-bankruptcy style in which there was no clear accountability.


Throughout my 25-year career with the County, I have been privileged with a wealth of unprecedented professional opportunities from being named the first woman auditor, to managing the John Wayne Airport expansion project, and later running one of the finest airports in the nation. And beyond those, to have been named the first County Executive Officer was my greatest privilege and challenge.

I look back at the state of the County when I became CEO and take great pride in what we have accomplished over the last five years. Because of the hard work, dedication and commitment exhibited by the work force, we have made strides as a team to instill pride and confidence back into Orange County government. We have reestablished our pre-bankruptcy financial rating with the investment community, restructured County government, and have a corporate management system in place.”
