
In War, Don’t Lose Sight of the Innocent


Re “Letting the Anger Seep Out,” Dec. 3: In the wake of the Sept. 11 tragedy there have been many emotions expressed by the people of this country: grief, frustration, fear and anger. In times like these, we as Americans should unite and help each other through this grieving process. This is not the first time that our country has been victim to terrorism, whether it was the Unabomber, the Oklahoma City bombing or innocent civilians in an abortion clinic.

We need to be careful about where our emotions lead us because we should not create more victims. The innocent Afghan civilians are not part of this war but are being killed as well. Whoever committed the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 needs to be caught and brought to justice, but we need to make sure that the anger being shown after Sept. 11 does not blind us to the injustices being done against other innocent civilians.

Arefa Vohra

La Palma
