
Taking Sides on the Orange Trustees Recall


Re “Recall Gives Voters a Say in Orange Unified Crisis,” Commentary, May 20:

The purpose of recall elections is to allow voters the opportunity to replace public officials guilty of having committed heinous acts or malfeasance between scheduled elections. Two of the trustees are up for election in November 2001. There is not one allegation of malfeasance. The alleged crimes are management decisions concerning teacher retirement benefits.

The Orange Unified School District teacher retirement health benefit package had an unfunded liability of $143.4 million in 1995. Nationally renowned actuarial firms have reviewed the books in the last 12 years. All predicted bankruptcy without a restructure of the retirement benefits. State law requires these actuarial studies to be completed every three years to protect school districts from insolvency. Trustees Aschoff, Davis and Jacobson saved the district from bankruptcy. Voters need to keep the management of OUSD in their capable hands.

Russell Patterson


Villa Park


Why have a special election now at added expense for the school district and taxpayers and not wait until November when two of the three are up for reelection anyway?


Also, why is this board blamed for the financial crisis that previous boards put into place, with their bad fiscal policies? The current board signed a contract with the union on Oct. 3, 2000, which will keep the district from bankruptcy without raising local taxes.

The article paints everything the district and the current teachers do as inferior. Why then were there four California Distinguished Schools last year as well as improved test scores in 23 of the 27 elementary schools?

I live in Orange and am looking forward to the possibility of sending my child to these outstanding schools. We will be voting no on the recall.

Darrell Williams



Under this board, the district has experienced one crisis after another and stress and tension have become the norm in the district.

The disputes over salaries for teachers are just one characteristic of the main problem, which is that this board seems to be able to operate only in a “confrontational” mode. If it is not a confrontation over the issue of appropriate clubs at school, it is the issue of teachers’ salaries, or teacher benefits.

Alienation gets even closer to the root of the problem. I have had two daughters go through the Orange school system with mostly excellent teachers. Most of these teachers are now in other districts. When I asked them why they left, alienation and no respect from the board always ranked ahead of the money issue. It always comes down to lack of respect. This board has demonstrated time and time again that they do not respect experienced teachers.


This is why Orange has increasing numbers of inexperienced teachers with emergency credentials. A defense of this board is tantamount to defending chaos. Like many others, I am tired of it and these board members have got to go. Why not have a board that will deal firmly with the union, but also a board that will create a more stable district? This board is not capable of doing both.

Randy Dobson

