
Prep Net / Speak Out

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As a graduating senior, what will you miss most about playing high school sports?


Esperanza, Football

I would say I speak for all graduating high school sports players when I say that I will miss the big game nights the most, with the home crowd cheering for you. The rivalries and team camaraderie, along with coaching insight, all add to the enjoyable experience of high school sports.



Edison, Football

I will miss preparing for battle every week with my brothers, the thrill of playing in front of thousands of people on Friday nights, finding out which team wants it more on fourth and short, and the long bus rides home after big victories.



Irvine, Swimming, Water Polo

The thing I will miss most as a graduating senior would be my peers. These are the girls I’ve practiced with mornings and nights, the girls I’ve formed bonds of strong friendship with over time.




Newport Harbor, Swimming

I will definitely miss all of my friends that I made through high school swimming and how there wasn’t any pressure from coaches and teammates except to have fun. It’s a different atmosphere from club swimming and it gives me another reminder of why I keep doing this. I know that those friendships are hard to come by and I will always miss them. I loved Palm Springs and swimming in CIF. Those are some of the memories I will take with me during college swimming. I’ll miss you guys!



Saddleback, Wrestling

I think I’ll miss the workouts the most. They really helped me learn to discipline myself and set goals. As far as the competition, I’ll miss that too, but I’ll always regret that I didn’t go as far as I would have liked to. I’ll also miss my teammates. We’ll never wrestle as a team again, and that’s something I’ll miss.



Newport Harbor, Water Polo

As a graduating senior, as the year comes to a end, the thing I will miss the most about playing high school water polo is the camaraderie and teamwork of the guys I have been playing with for many years. I will miss the challenge of winning a [Southern Section] title and getting to proudly wear a championship ring, and I will miss the hard work and time we all put into the team.




Los Alamitos, Soccer

The crowd at my school, playing in front of all my friends. It doesn’t get much better than that. I’ll miss playing with my teammates, some of my best friends. Some of whom I’ll never play with again.



San Clemente, Basketball

The thing I’ll miss most about playing high school basketball will be my teammates. I’ve enjoyed the camaraderie. We get along so well, and it’s become my second family. The memories we shared will last a lifetime. Winning the championship this year was something that no one can take away from us.
