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So, Art Modell claims that L.A. football fans don’t have enough passion to deserve a precious NFL franchise? Since when did he care about the passion of fans? He dragged the Browns away from some of the most passionate fans in the league! What a hypocrite! And the idiot Ralph Wilson claims that we’re too apathetic to back a team? This area supported two teams! At least until that black widow let the Rams decay into a joke and the poster-boy for carpetbagging took the Raiders back where they came from.

As I see it, the NFL has two great problems here. The first one is that the Coliseum Commission and the local politicos will throw their weight around and grind everything to a halt. The second is that the public here in Southern California knows the meaning of the word chump. We’re not about to go into 40 years of debt to let billionaire owners have a free stadium.

Anyone who thinks there’s no support for pro football here is a fool. And, unfortunately for them, we’re nobody’s.


Eric Monson



Memo to the Colts, Saints, Bills or Chargers: You might want to leave your name, colors, cheerleaders and history behind when you make L.A. your new home.

Michael Gray

