
We’ve Heard This Story Many Times Before

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No, no, not again. Isn’t it enough that for over two decades pro football fans in Los Angeles had to endure two of the most self-serving, devious owners in sports? And now history is about to repeat itself.

Sweet Georgia was a latter-day Lucretia Borgia who poisoned the hearts, souls and minds of Ram fans with her greed and ineptness. Her departure to Anaheim was most welcome, but it hastened the arrival of the next brigand from Oakland and his band of Raiders.

Snake Oil Al Davis was the original “Crown Prince of Paranoia” and when he was not burdening the courts with legal shenanigans, he was up in the press box calling the plays from a 1960 Sid Gillman playbook. His return to Oakland raised the IQ level of both cities.


Now what? The Spanos boys (Frank and Jessie) are setting their sights on the City of Angels. I’m not exactly the president of T.J.’s fan club, but he’s sure got these two guys pegged right.

They say you can tell something about a man’s character by playing a round of golf with him. I guess the folks who run the AT&T; tournament at Pebble Beach figured this out a while back. It seems that young Spanos, who won the pro-am division of the tournament with a handicap that could be generously described as suspicious, was told to keep his trophy, but not to come back.

As George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”


Doug Hays



Please stop wasting space on the prospects of an NFL team in L.A. I, for one, do not miss the hype and antics associated with the NFL, and what the Rams and Raiders put on the field during their last few years here could hardly be called professional.

Mark Boykin



The NFL-in-L.A. project depresses me. Our officials and the richest men in the U.S. expend way too much money, time and energy on a game but spend no time at all thinking about solving real problems, such as affordable housing, education for kids and homelessness. How about some perspective on life?

But maybe building a stadium would be a good thing. Because this $400-million structure with 64,000 seats would be used less than 9% of the time (32 days out of 365 days a year), it can also serve as a resting place for L.A.’s tens of thousands of homeless people on the 333 vacant days. Maybe they can clean up the stadium aisles after the games in exchange for food and a place to sleep. The project can combine games with human good.


Calvin Naito

Los Angeles
