
A Sports Agent’s Other Side

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Re “Sports Agent Tackles Ex-Protege in Court,” Oct. 22:

After reading a number of articles about Leigh Steinberg and the unfortunate trial in which he is embroiled, it is important to examine another side of this very unselfish super sports agent.

The Anti-Defamation League of Orange County and Long Beach is a vibrant and important agency in our community today because of Steinberg’s vision. He saw the need to train and develop vigorous and motivated individuals to pick up the mantle of leadership so the ADL can continue its important work. Fighting hate, bigotry and prejudice, especially in today’s world, is a priority of our community. ADL takes the lead in this fight and Steinberg’s support makes it possible. It’s time to remember the legacy Steinberg gives to each athlete he represents: that they give back to their community and make the world a better place. His former clients need to remember how they benefited from Steinberg in more ways than one.

Joyce Greenspan

Regional director,

Anti-Defamation League
